microsoft / WinAppDriver

Windows Application Driver
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WAD UI recorder is getting closed if I click outside the box #2000

Open omkar4289 opened 2 weeks ago

omkar4289 commented 2 weeks ago

I want WAD UI recorder to always run and not to get closed even if I click outside the box. Because of this I am not able to locate the elements which are under dropdown in desktop application.

How can I keep WAD UI recorder always run in background and not get closed? Screenshot_1

omkar4289 commented 2 weeks ago

@fforjan @timheuer @DHowett Can you please check this one?

Shakevg commented 2 weeks ago

omkar4289 Did you mean that WAD UI becomes hidden under your app? Why you cannot just decrease size of your app or use second screen, or devide screen on 2 parts?

omkar4289 commented 6 days ago

Hi @Shakevg, WAD UI gets minimized when I click on dropdown in my application. I want WAD UI to remain opened.

Shakevg commented 5 hours ago

This is strange behavior. Did it happen only after opening the dropdown, but working when you perform other actions?