Add basic unit test infrastructure and start unit tests for the symbol builder sample:
Introduce a new "SymbolBuilderTests" project based on DbgX which drives the debugger engine to execute test suites written in JavaScript and executed via the debugger's JS capabilities. Currently unit tests require an explicit install of the SDK debugger or a MSFT internal ring install of the debugger in order to pick up JsProvider.
Modify the solution/build such that a build of the solution and "F5" run in Visual Studio of the test project will simply run the unit tests for either x64 or x86 as selected in the project.
Each unit test script (only one currently exists) specifies in "meta commands" in JavaScript comments how to spin the debugger engine such that the script can be executed (e.g.: what process to run, dump to open, etc...)
Add numerous basic type unit tests for UDTs, array types, pointer types, and enum types. Further unit tests will be brought in with new functionality or subsequent PRs.
Fixes several bugs (some also fixed in other yet-to-be-PR'd branches): allows .Fields.Add to work on a type object which isn't a UDT, allows spacing in array types specified by name (e.g.: "int [8]" versus "int[8]")
Add basic unit test infrastructure and start unit tests for the symbol builder sample: