microsoft / Windows-Dev-Performance

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Git checkout of large repositories is very slow #87

Open kaidokert opened 3 years ago

kaidokert commented 3 years ago

Windows Build Number


Processor Architecture



200 Gb

Storage Type, free / capacity

SSD 200GB/ 1TB

Relevant apps installed

git version

Traces collected via Feedback Hub


Isssue description

Checking out large repos even from a local mirror is slow, compared to Linux / Mac.

Even more importantly, so is switching branches / tags.

Steps to reproduce

Let's download a sample well-known repo, about 23 Gb

git clone --mirror chromium-mirror

Now let's check out a source tree from local mirror:

Powershell, NTFS drive:

PS> Measure-Command { git clone chromium-mirror chromium }                                                                                                                                                                                        
Cloning into 'chromium'...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Updating files: 100% (362149/362149), done.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

TotalMinutes      : 12.370800555                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Just over 12 minutes.

On Linux, ext4, similar hardware

$ time git clone chromium-mirror chrome
Cloning into 'chrome'...
Updating files: 100% (362149/362149), done.
real    0m23.937s

About 24 seconds.

Now, let's check out a bit older tag: Powershell:

PS> Measure-Command { git checkout 60.0.3072.0 }                                                                                                                                                                                         
Updating files: 100% (539180/539180), done.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

TotalMinutes      : 15.750022275                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

15 minutes to switch a tag.

On Linux:

time git checkout 60.0.3072.0
Updating files: 100% (539180/539180), done.
Note: switching to '60.0.3072.0'.
real    0m22.045s

Again, about 22 seconds

Finally, let's delete these experiment directories:


PS> Measure-Command { rm -r chromium }
TotalMinutes      : 7.40425179833333                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

7 minutes


$ time rm -rf chrome
real    0m5.580s

5 seconds

Expected Behavior

Would expect checkout speed on similar disks to be at least on the same order of magnitude.

Actual Behavior

The operations in this example are about 25-30x slower, on almost identical hardware.

Of course the problem doesn't seem inherent to Git, it's a similar I/O problem when working with large directory trees with many files, i.e. Node node_modules issues ( #21 ) and others ( #17 #27 ), as evidenced by the fact that rm -r took over 60x longer.

AvriMSFT commented 3 years ago

Thanks for filing! Good news - We're actively investigating the performance of Git on Windows and are working with internal teams here at Microsoft and external teams at Github to diagnose the problem and find solutions for reducing the performance gaps between Windows and Mac/Linux. I will update this thread as fixes are identified and complete. In the meantime, can you repro the issue on Windows and capture a trace via Feedback Hub? We can use this data to better understand how Git performs in the wild and fuel our investigations.

itoleck commented 3 years ago

My testing cloning Chromium locally between 2 SSDs (Intel 660p & WD SN550).

Windows Terminal PowerShell Core window D:\Temp  Measure-Command { git clone c:\Users\chad\source\repos\chromium-mirror d:\temp\chromium } Cloning into 'd:\temp\chromium'... done. Checking out files: 100% (363000/363000), done.

Days : 0 Hours : 0 Minutes : 4 Seconds : 38 Milliseconds : 220 Ticks : 2782200516 TotalDays : 0.00322013948611111 TotalHours : 0.0772833476666667 TotalMinutes : 4.63700086 TotalSeconds : 278.2200516 TotalMilliseconds : 278220.0516

Windows Terminal Ubuntu WSL /mnt/c/Users/chad/source/repos$ time git clone /mnt/c/Users/chad/source/repos/chromium-mirror/ /mnt/d/Temp/ Cloning into '/mnt/d/Temp'... done. Updating files: 100% (363000/363000), done.

real 82m14.742s user 1m30.634s sys 9m18.089s

Seems like WSL does NOT help the Git performance in Windows.

sabbyX commented 3 years ago

@itoleck are you using WSL2? if so cross-os filesystem performance is slow,

kaidokert commented 3 years ago

@AvriMSFT posted feedback hub capture at Although not sure how useful that is, as it's just even rm -r directory command that is slow.

kaidokert commented 3 years ago

Ping, the label here still says "Needs Author Feedback", but i'm not sure what other information could i provide.

matheustavares commented 3 years ago

Hi @kaidokert and @itoleck

This is a bit tangent to the actual issue, but: the next Git release (2.32.0) will come with the "parallel checkout" feature, which allows git checkout, git clone, and other checkout-related commands to parallelize the creation of files in the working tree.

I haven't tested it on WSL, but I'm getting around 2x speedup when cloning the linux repository with Git for Windows on a SSD.

If you would be interested in testing it out before the release, you'd need to compile Git on your machine. The code for this feature has already landed in the master branch of the upstream Git repository and also on the main branch of the Git-for-Windows repository. Then, to activate parallel-checkout, you must set the checkout.workers config to the desired number of parallel processes (one means sequential).

As one of the developers of this feature, I'd be very interesting in any feedback you have about it. So if you do run the tests with parallel checkout or have any question/suggestion about it, please let me know :)

kaidokert commented 3 years ago

It does seem like majority of the slowness here doesn't actually come from file creation but from file deletion, which of course happens a lot when switching branches.

asklar commented 3 years ago

Hey @kaidokert I didn't see this called out in the template but do you have a Windows Defender exclusion enabled for this folder? It would be interesting to see how the cloning timing might vary with defender out of the picture.

ghost commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has been marked as requiring author feedback but has not had any activity for 4 days. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 3 days of this comment.

Eli-Black-Work commented 3 years ago

@asklar Does Windows Defender normally examine files when they're being permanently deleted? Just curious; not too familiar with how antivirus works under the hood 🙂

asklar commented 3 years ago

I don't work on Defender so I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised 🤷 :)

Eli-Black-Work commented 3 years ago

@asklar Haha, okay, thanks 😄

kaidokert commented 3 years ago

I have Defender turned off for the entire drive, yes.

AvriMSFT commented 2 years ago

Update: The filesystem and performance teams are working on some major improvements to git which we think will directly impact your issue. Once fixes are in, I'll update the thread :).

bitcrazed commented 2 years ago

@itoleck re.

Note that running git in WSL to clone repo into Windows filesystem has known perf issues. Running git in WSL to clone a repo from one Windows' folder into another Windows folder will likely double the negative overhead and is a worst-case scenario.

If you're in Linux/WSL, clone repos locally in the Linux filesystem. If your files are in Windows, run git in Windows for the best perf.

kaidokert commented 1 year ago

Periodic ping for any interesting updates on this issue ?

zooba commented 1 year ago

There have already been some updates made to Git, so hopefully the original benchmarks are improved.

More updates coming at Build next month ;)

kaidokert commented 1 year ago

so hopefully the original benchmarks are improved.

I'll do a re-test on Azure VMs side by side on Linux and Windows. Any particular base images to recommend for verifying improvements ?

kaidokert commented 1 year ago

I had Terraform deploy 2 identical HW VMs in Azure, gist with config here

Both free tier Standard B1s VMs, same disk config. Windows Server 2022 Azure Datacenter edition. All commands below were run in respective temporary directories, assuming those should default to decently fast out of the box.

I used a smaller and lesser known repo as a benchmark just to cut down on the wait time. Its ~2GB.

git clone --mirror cobalt-mirror

Updated timings; Linux, clone main branch from mirror:

time git clone cobalt-mirror cobalt
real    1m2.444s


Measure-Command { git clone cobalt-mirror cobalt }
TotalMinutes      : 7.19

About ~6x slower

Switch branch, Linux:

time git checkout 19.lts.1+
real    0m41.106s


Measure-Command {  git checkout 19.lts.1+ }
TotalMinutes      : 6.62

Again about 6-7x slower

Linux delete directory:

time rm -rf cobalt
real    0m1.600s


Measure-Command { rm -r cobalt }
TotalMinutes      : 1.40

~80x slower

If there are any obvious tunings or tweaks that should be done for disk performance I'd be really happy to know. Also if there's a faster disk config I'd be also happy to try it out - i have this in terraform and can redeploy different VMs/disk with a push. Hoping to make the repo publicly available on Github.

Of course, maybe B1s aren't the best representative performance because they get throttled. They are free though.

zooba commented 1 year ago

I don't know how much can be done with Windows Server, but certainly for client the best first thing to do is to run on a separate volume (partition on the same drive is fine, even a mounted VHDX is an improvement, just don't use paths starting with C:\ or whatever your OS is on).

But I'd say going from the 25x+ difference to 7x difference is about what we'd expect right now. A non-OS disk might be better, but we've been looking more at real client machines rather than virtual server. Anti virus scanners are also a large impact that we believe we've reduced, though again, it should already have been less significant on Server so the improvement will be reduced.

kaidokert commented 1 year ago

These are certainly better results, yes. Thank you !

As i mentioned i set this up as a Terraform repo, so i can easily test with Win 11 desktop rather than server ( e.g. win11-22h2-pro SKU / Windows-11 MicrosoftWindowsDesktop ) as well.

I'll try the tips with structuring the disks better, at the moment i'm simply doing

  os_disk {
    storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
    caching              = "ReadWrite"

and using c:\temp from there. But i'll mount a separate drive and see what that does. Thanks for the tips !

Eli-Black-Work commented 1 year ago

@zooba Can you elaborate on why doing Git operations on a non-OS partition would be faster?

zooba commented 1 year ago

Can you elaborate on why doing Git operations on a non-OS partition would be faster?

In brief (and I believe we have more detailed documentation on this coming), the system drive will have additional file system filter drivers installed in order to do certain tasks, such as OneDrive sync and system file protection. And a filter driver intercepts every file system operation on a volume to see if it needs to do anything. Generally this is quick, but not doing it is even quicker. So on a clean volume, you'll have far fewer file system filters in the way, which means that overhead is reduced.

Eli-Black-Work commented 1 year ago

@zooba, Wow, very interesting! Thanks 🙂

Eli-Black-Work commented 1 year ago

@zooba, I took your recommendation and split my C: drive into two partitions, C: and D:, then moved my source files and NuGet package caches to D:, and wow, the difference is night and day! 😮

Interestingly, copying or deleting large folders via command line on D: doesn't appear to be much faster than doing so on C:, but loading my projects in Visual Studio feels waaaay faster.

Thank you very much for the tip! ^_^

Eli-Black-Work commented 1 year ago

BTW, if anyone else wants to try this, I'd recommend checking out

Those instructions are for the new DevDrive feature in Windows 11, but I think they also apply well to what one should put on a non-OS partition in Windows 10 🙂

Eli-Black-Work commented 1 year ago

Although DevDrive is only available on Windows 11, ReFS is available on Windows 10, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

@zooba In my tests, copying files via xcopy is actually slower on ReFS than on NTFS. Any ideas? 🙂

xcopy .git ..\.git /s /e /h /v /i /k /r > NULL on C: (NTFS): 50 seconds xcopy .git ..\.git /s /e /h /v /i /k /r > NULL on D: (ReFS): 65 seconds

I would have figured the copy-on-write mechanism would have made copying on ReFS super fast. Maybe it's because the drive has BitLocker enabled? (BitLocker is enabled on both drives)

OS: Windows 10 Enterprise, Build 19045

zooba commented 1 year ago

I would have figured the copy-on-write mechanism would have made copying on ReFS super fast.

It does, but I'm not sure it's automatically enabled (and I'd be surprised if xcopy has any special knowledge of ReFS - maybe try robocopy?)

We're not done with perf work yet - getting devs onto ReFS is just the first step - so you can expect future updates to have more improvements over time. We did also ship a few perf improvements to ReFS specifically with the Dev Drive update, so you won't have those on Win10.

AdamBraden commented 8 months ago

REFS Block Cloning support built-into the copy engine is enabled in the latest Windows Insiders Preview (WIP) - Canary-External release.