microsoft / Windows-driver-samples

This repo contains driver samples prepared for use with Microsoft Visual Studio and the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). It contains both Universal Windows Driver and desktop-only driver samples.
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Network Driver Samples Test Signing Fails Always #390

Open NoelStephens opened 5 years ago

NoelStephens commented 5 years ago

I used to be able to turn off digital sig checking and set test signing on in order to try out various driver examples. Been developing my own driver and up to date have had no problems...until I updated my driver samples repository with the latest updates....and all of the windows updates included. So my target kernel debug machine's boot loader settings are:

============= Windows Boot Loader

identifier {current} device partition=C: path \Windows\system32\winload.exe description Windows Server locale en-US loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS inherit {bootloadersettings} recoverysequence {10c0bd3a-51b1-11e9-836b-c80bfe18dbc2} displaymessageoverride Recovery recoveryenabled Yes testsigning Yes allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075 osdevice partition=C: systemroot \Windows resumeobject {10c0bd38-51b1-11e9-836b-c80bfe18dbc2} nx OptOut debug Yes

As you can see I have all of the appropriate/recommended settings (above) to install a test signed driver, but....

When I try to install any compiled NDIS driver sample (with a test certificate and properly signed) it always gives me the "The third party INF does not contain digital signature information" error now. I have tried this compiling both x86 and x64 bit versions.

The caveat is that if you build a project with a catalog file, then it seems to be happy...?? (the driver I am developing generates a catalog file and so I didn't run into this until about 2 days ago when I updated to see what changes had been made to various driver samples ) I ran into this yesterday when I compiled and tested the ndis filter driver sample, but then just got it to generate a catalog file and it installed fine...and so I thought "hmm perhaps a bug, but generate a catalog file seems to fix the issue for ok."

However... some of the examples (i.e. the NDIS MUX example) complain about all sorts of issues when trying to generate a catalog file, and as such (unless you sign it with a valid signature through the windows dev center) it seems like certain NDIS samples are currently broken? Is there a known work around/fix to generate a catalog file for the NDIS MUX example?

Is there some known issue regarding test signed drivers not installing without a catalog file? If so, is there a work around to get the MUX driver sample working with a test signed certificate?


rodwiddowson commented 5 years ago

Can't help, but you might try asking in NTDEV. They guys who hang out there speak driver signing.

NoelStephens commented 5 years ago

Can't help, but you might try asking in NTDEV. They guys who hang out there speak driver signing.

Yeah, I have posted several questions there with little success of getting replies...or rather...when I get a reply it rarely is an actual solution and more often some links to the Windows Drive Development site which I have almost memorized at this point...and some of the API references were last updated between 2012-2013 when the Win8 and WS 2012 updates hit...and they still contain references to callout filter actions that have notes "only works under Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012...which is not true because they all work under current versions of windows and windows server today.

Anyway, if anyone has any tips or tricks on how to actually install test signed NDIS driver examples without generating a catalog file... please feel free to repond! :)

NoelStephens commented 5 years ago

As an update, got a catalog file building (included the _mp.inf) but now getting an error: 0xE00002F when following the instructions for installation and adding it as a protocol. So, there is definitely something that has changed that makes installing a test signed NDIS MUX example driver broken at this point in time on Window 10 (1809) and Windows Server 2019 (1809) with all updates applied.

Just FYI.

NoelStephens commented 5 years ago

I also confirmed this same behavior using Visual Studio 2019 and the 1903 WDK. The previous attempts were with VS 2017 and the 1809 WDK.

NoelStephens commented 5 years ago

Ok, For the NDIS MUX example you must do the following to get past the "The third party INF does not contain digital signature information" error:

1.) Add both the muxp.inf and mux_mp.inf files to the project you are going to build (VLAN or NOVLAN) 2.) Edit both inf files by adding under the [Version] section: CatalogFile = 3.) Make sure you have already built the debug version of the notifyob project. 4.) Add the mux.dll file to the resources to be included in the catalog file 5.) Make sure you have a valid test signature set. 6.) Build the project in question (NOVLAN or VLAN) 7.) Copy both inf files to the output directory of the build (i.e. mux\driver\60\novlan\x64\Debug\mux) 8.) Copy all of the files in the output directory (i.e. mux\driver\60\novlan\x64\Debug\mux) to your target machine. 9.) Make sure your test certificate is signed. 10.) Follow the install instructions outlined in the MUX file.

If you did everything correctly, then it should install should get two "warnings" about the signature but it should properly install at that time.

When I get a chance I will loop back and see if the projects have been updated for this new debug driver install behavior, otherwise I will try to clean up what I have working a bit to make it "automatic" as opposed to having to make the above modifications.

So...based on this behavior...I am going to say that you have to have everything inside a catalog file that is signed by your test certificate or it will give you the "invalid signature (0xE00002F) error".