microsoft / WindowsAppSDK-Samples

Feature samples for the Windows App SDK
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PushNotifications sample says to request WNS channel using Azure AppId instead of Azure ObjectId #305

Open christopher-rtf opened 11 months ago

christopher-rtf commented 11 months ago

Both of the following documents say to use the Azure AppId to request a WNS push notification channel:

However, the Push Notifications quick start says that the Azure AppId should be used for the server-side push notification registration and that the Azure ObjectId should be used to request a WNS push notification channel:

Which one of these is the correct? We have been successful using the Azure ObjectID to request a channel on the client, but I am a little nervous that this may break in the future as requesting a channel using the Azure AppID seems to return a channel Uri as well.

I didn't want to cross-post this issue to both repos, but perhaps this should also be posted as an issue on

vaheeshta commented 5 months ago

Thank you @christopher-rtf! Apologies for the delay. Looks like we didn't update the sample code. The guidance is correct, please continue to use the Azure ObjectId. @loneursid, can you please make a small adjustment to the sample app code to say "Replace this with your own Azure ObjectId" instead of "Replace this with your own Azure AppId"? Thank you!