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PTMCLi error in NegotiateTestCaseS1040. #277

Open eliavo opened 2 years ago

eliavo commented 2 years ago

while running the program, got the following error (it is the only error):

  1. outputs do not match

comment: checking step 'event NegotiateResponse(STATUS_SUCCESS,Smb21)'

assert succeeded: expected 'STATUS_SUCCESS', actual 'STATUS_SUCCESS' (status of NegotiateResponse, state S1056)

assert failed: expected 'Smb21', actual 'Smb30' (dialectRevision of NegotiateResponse, state S1056)

comment: This step would have covered "[MS-SMB2] The server MUST select the greatest common dialect between the dialects it implements and the Dialects array of the SMB2 NEGOTIATE request", "[TestInfo] Common dialect is Smb21", "[MS-SMB2] If a common dialect is found, the server MUST set Connection.Dialect to "2.002", "2.100", "3.000", or "3.002", and Connection.NegotiateDialect to 0x0202, 0x0210, 0x0300, or 0x0302 accordingly, to reflect the dialect selected", "[TestInfo] Connection.Dialect is set to Smb21", "[MS-SMB2] The server MUST then construct an SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response, as specified in section 2.2.4, with the following specific values, and return STATUS_SUCCESS to the client.", "[MS-SMB2] DialectRevision MUST be set to the common dialect".

a quick check on wireshark reveals that the Negotiation request coming from the client has dialect 0x202, 0x210 and 0x300. so error message is incorrect. is there another part I might be missing as to why the test failed? maybe something about the config file? if so I'd love an explanation.

obaro commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting this @eliavo.

We've begun investigating and will update this thread as we progress.

eliavo commented 1 year ago
