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NavigationViewItem with Command #220

Open FlorentVllasa opened 3 years ago

FlorentVllasa commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to assign a command or method to a NavigationViewItem inside a NavigationView? I couldnt find soemthing in the samples section.


Ika59 commented 10 months ago

As Content, we specify UIElement, which can call commands directly, for example, Button:

                    <FontIcon  Style="{StaticResource EmojiFontIconStyle}" Glyph="{StaticResource Emoji_Command_WhatsNew}"/>
                    <Button x:Name="WhatsNew_Button" Content="Whats new?" Style="{StaticResource AccentButtonStyle}" Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.AppCommands.WhatsNew_Command}" CommandParameter=""/>
Ika59 commented 10 months ago

I put the real code in the running program!