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WinUI Compatibility #225

Closed JeganRavichandran closed 2 years ago

JeganRavichandran commented 2 years ago is this resolved?

It looks like event to command is not working


michael-hawker commented 2 years ago

@JeganRavichandran are you using the latest package versions and Visual Studio versions? These things should be working?

Can you provide a minimal project that reproduces the issue?

FYI @DVaughan @azchohfi

michael-hawker commented 2 years ago

May be a duplicate of

JeganRavichandran commented 2 years ago

@michael-hawker @DVaughan @azchohfi

Please refer to this simple demo. Branch: MR:

Expected: OnInputSubmitted method in ViewModel should be called when the control is loaded.

            <Interactions:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="Loaded">
            <!--<Interactions:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="InputSubmitted">-->
                <Interactions:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding InputSubmitted}"/>
                <!--<Interactions:CallMethodAction MethodName="OnInputSubmitted" TargetObject="{Binding}"/>-->

Issue: OnInputSubmitted method in ViewModel is not called when the control is loaded.

I am getting this error in the output window.

Exception thrown at 0x74F2B5B2 (KernelBase.dll) in MultiselectComboBox.exe: 0x40080202: WinRT transform error (parameters: 0x8000000B, 0x80070490, 0x00000014, 0x02F7BF74).

JeganRavichandran commented 2 years ago

It looks like I missed adding within Behaviors attached property.


event to commands works after adding this.