microsoft / Xbox-GDK-Samples

Game development samples published by the Xbox Advanced Technology Group using the Microsoft GDK.
MIT License
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Documentation for CMakeGDKExample is incorrect #17

Closed djspringate closed 1 year ago

djspringate commented 1 year ago

The sample appears to be written for a sample that uses Scarlett and XboxOne hardware too. The presets for CMake have also changed. The correct instructions to build this sample are as follows:

How to configure for VS2022: Set generator to VS2022: In CmakePresets.Json: "generator": "Visual Studio 17 2022", "XdkEditionTarget": "220602", (or whatever version you have installed)

How to build: cd (Xbox-GDK-Samples)\Samples\Tools\CMakeGDKExample cmake --preset=x64-Desktop cmake --build out\build\x64-Desktop

The Visual Studio solution for the sample is now in (Xbox-GDK-Samples)\Samples\Tools\CMakeGDKExample\out\build\x64-Desktop !

walbourn commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback.

All the notes you mention are in the currrent readme.docx, but I only show one of the three possible presets. I'll update it to be clearer about the PC usage.

walbourn commented 1 year ago

Note that the readme.docx will be empty unless you have git-LFS enabled.