microsoft / accessibility-insights-service

Accessibility Insights Service
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fix null response for navigation of URLs with hash fragment #2525

Closed v-viyada closed 4 months ago

v-viyada commented 4 months ago


crawlee page.goto function used for navigation will always give null response for URLs with hash fragment as it treats hash navigation as single page reload.

page.goto returns response when running locally. If we build and create npm package for cli and then do npm install for package it gives null response while navigating for URLs with hash fragment. This PR is to handle the null check for hash URLs and do not mark it as navigation error.

Steps to Test

  1. yarn build
  2. yarn run pack
  3. npm install cli.tgz (generated by above step)
  4. test the crawling command.

Feature 2114928: ADO Extension should be able to crawl hash-routing SPA apps


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