Closed v-viyada closed 2 months ago
Dependabot stopped generating new PRs and logs show no project found.
/opt/nuget/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Cli discover --repo-root /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/repo --workspace / --output /tmp/.dependabot/discovery.1.json --verbose updater | Discovering build files in workspace [/home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/repo]. No dotnet-tools.json file found. No global.json file found. Discovering projects beneath [.]. No project files found. Central Package Management is not enabled. Discovery complete. updater | 2024/07/12 08:09:07 INFO <job_854906625> Discovery JSON content: { "Path": "", "IsSuccess": true, "Projects": [], "DirectoryPackagesProps": null, "GlobalJson": null, "DotNetToolsJson": null }
Implementing fix as per We can only verify the changes once it is merged to master.
Note: After the PR has been created, certain checks will be kicked off. All of these checks must pass before a merge.
On second thought, I'll merge this in now. It shouldn't impact the release, and we'll need to wait for automation anyway.
Dependabot stopped generating new PRs and logs show no project found.
Implementing fix as per We can only verify the changes once it is merged to master.
Pull request checklist