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fix: updated dependabot.yml directory to check for projects #1853

Closed v-viyada closed 2 months ago

v-viyada commented 2 months ago


Dependabot stopped generating new PRs and logs show no project found.

/opt/nuget/NuGetUpdater/NuGetUpdater.Cli discover --repo-root /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/repo --workspace / --output /tmp/.dependabot/discovery.1.json --verbose
updater | Discovering build files in workspace [/home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/repo].
  No dotnet-tools.json file found.
  No global.json file found.
  Discovering projects beneath [.].
  No project files found.
  Central Package Management is not enabled.
Discovery complete.
updater | 2024/07/12 08:09:07 INFO <job_854906625> Discovery JSON content: {
  "Path": "",
  "IsSuccess": true,
  "Projects": [],
  "DirectoryPackagesProps": null,
  "GlobalJson": null,
  "DotNetToolsJson": null

Implementing fix as per We can only verify the changes once it is merged to master.


Pull request checklist

Note: After the PR has been created, certain checks will be kicked off. All of these checks must pass before a merge.

codeofdusk commented 2 months ago

On second thought, I'll merge this in now. It shouldn't impact the release, and we'll need to wait for automation anyway.