microsoft / ace

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Support secondary buttons in iOS (leftBarButtonItems) #40

Closed frederikbosch closed 8 years ago

frederikbosch commented 8 years ago

In order to place buttons in the left top corner in iOS, we need to use leftBarButtonItems. In do not know if it was the plan to use secondary commands for this, but I assumed so.

Since I am using the javascript interface to create buttons, and not XAML, I do not know if this PR also includes XAML support.

msftclas commented 8 years ago

Hi @frederikbosch, I'm your friendly neighborhood Microsoft Pull Request Bot (You can call me MSBOT). Thanks for your contribution! In order for us to evaluate and accept your PR, we ask that you sign a contribution license agreement. It's all electronic and will take just minutes. I promise there's no faxing.


msftclas commented 8 years ago

@frederikbosch, Thanks for signing the contribution license agreement so quickly! Actual humans will now validate the agreement and then evaluate the PR.
Thanks, MSBOT;

adnathan commented 8 years ago
