microsoft / ace

Build Cordova apps with true native UI
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Cordova opens about:blank upon using this plugin on iOS app #50

Closed sushruth closed 8 years ago

sushruth commented 8 years ago

I tried to use this plugin (with zero custom configuration and out of the box) with a cordova app I already have, it breaks the app and Cordova can only opens about:blank and index.html is not accessable. I see no error messages in system log for the device. As soon as i remove this plugin the app starts working. This is specific ONLY to iOS.

Is anyone else facing this issue ?

EDIT : Confirmed on fresh cordova starter app too. Adding this plugin leads to cordova opening up about:blank instead of the url to index.html

Edits to list solutions found online which did not work :

EDIT : Adding <allow-navigation href="*" /> to config.xml did not work

EDIT : Fixed in version 0.0.16

adnathan commented 8 years ago

This sounds like issue #35, recently fixed. If you're getting the plugin from NPM, then the fix wasn't there yet. I just pushed version 0.0.16. Can you try adding the plugin again and ensuring you have this version? Thanks!

eljefedelrodeodeljefe commented 8 years ago

I am also having this issue. Adding the plugin to an existing project will also lead to a spinner not disappearing. Running a on android seems fine though.

sushruth commented 8 years ago

It worked. Thanks a lot!

eljefedelrodeodeljefe commented 8 years ago

What exactly did you do?

sushruth commented 8 years ago

I just did cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-ace and then a cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ace again. It worked.

eljefedelrodeodeljefe commented 8 years ago

Okay seems to be resolved now for me too. Thanks!