microsoft / ace

Build Cordova apps with true native UI
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Bad Logo #63

Open KholofeloMoyaba opened 7 years ago

KholofeloMoyaba commented 7 years ago

I really like the platform and how it's a cordova plugin so one can add it to an already existing app.

However, the logo really does Ace a huge injustice! whg1pm85_400x400 You need something more appealing. I do logo designs and I'm willing to do one for Ace. Let me know.

P.S. I know this is not the best place to raise this. But I think it's important and it is a contribution.

panarasi commented 7 years ago

That would be awesome - did you have any ideas for the logo ?

KholofeloMoyaba commented 7 years ago

I can design one. I'll do so. Should I post it here or send via email?