microsoft / app-store-vsts-extension

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) extension for performing continuous delivery to the App Store store from your automated CI builds
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Cannot submit for review a build previously published to TestFlight #278

Open SEnglishSMP opened 2 years ago

SEnglishSMP commented 2 years ago

Required Information

Question, Bug, or Feature?
Type: Bug

Enter Task Name: Apple App Store Release


Issue Description

We have previously uploaded an IPA and published it to TestFlight. Now we want to submit it to Apple for review, but not automatically publish it. The task fails because the app's store version hasn't already been created in App Store Connect. It appears that fastlane deliver requires the --build_number parameter to be specified if you want it to create a new store version. This number is in the IPA file.

Expected: The task creates the necessary store version for the app using the build number in the IPA file. Actual: The store version isn't created, and the task eventually fails. We have to manually log into App Store Connect to create the store version of the app that matches the version we are submitting. So much for automating the release!

Task logs

Our task definition:

- task:
  displayName: 'Submit app for Review'
    authType: ApiKey
    apiKeyId: '$(AppStoreConnectAPIKeyID)'
    apiKeyIssuerId: '$(AppStoreConnectAPIKeyIssuerID)'
    apitoken: '$(AppStoreConnectAPIKeyContent)'
    releaseTrack: Production
    appIdentifier: *****************
    skipBinaryUpload: true
    uploadMetadata: true
    metadataPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_iOS release/drop/AppStore/metadata'
    shouldSubmitForReview: true
    fastlaneArguments: '--submission_information "{\"add_id_info_uses_idfa\": false}"'


2022-06-16T15:14:16.1071940Z ##[section]Starting: Submit app for Review
2022-06-16T15:14:16.1088550Z ==============================================================================
2022-06-16T15:14:16.1088970Z Task         : Apple App Store Release
2022-06-16T15:14:16.1089290Z Description  : Release an app to TestFlight or the Apple App Store
2022-06-16T15:14:16.1089650Z Version      : 1.189.0
2022-06-16T15:14:16.1089890Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation
2022-06-16T15:14:16.1091940Z Help         : [More Information](
2022-06-16T15:14:16.1092530Z ==============================================================================
2022-06-16T15:14:16.3688580Z [command]/usr/local/opt/ruby@2.7/bin/gem install fastlane
2022-06-16T15:14:49.9070180Z Successfully installed fastlane-2.206.2
2022-06-16T15:14:49.9105730Z Parsing documentation for fastlane-2.206.2
2022-06-16T15:14:49.9107240Z Installing ri documentation for fastlane-2.206.2
2022-06-16T15:14:49.9108180Z Done installing documentation for fastlane after 28 seconds
2022-06-16T15:14:49.9109150Z 1 gem installed
2022-06-16T15:14:50.5337500Z [command]/usr/local/opt/ruby@2.7/bin/gem update fastlane -i /Users/runner/.gem-cache
2022-06-16T15:14:53.2493600Z Updating installed gems
2022-06-16T15:14:53.2597650Z Nothing to update
2022-06-16T15:14:53.3233390Z Precheck will not check In-app purchases because Fastlane doesn't support it with the App Store Connect API Key.
2022-06-16T15:14:53.4588180Z [command]/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin/fastlane deliver --force --precheck_include_in_app_purchases false --api_key_path /Users/runner/work/_temp/api_key*******.json -a ***************** --skip_binary_upload true -j ios -m /Users/runner/work/r1/a/_iOS release/drop/AppStore/metadata --skip_screenshots true --submit_for_review true --automatic_release false --submission_information {"add_id_info_uses_idfa": false}
2022-06-16T15:14:57.0376080Z [15:14:57]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane
2022-06-16T15:14:59.8136910Z [15:14:59]: Sending anonymous analytics information
2022-06-16T15:14:59.8176710Z [15:14:59]: Learn more at
2022-06-16T15:14:59.8192750Z [15:14:59]: No personal or sensitive data is sent.
2022-06-16T15:14:59.8223340Z [15:14:59]: You can disable this by adding `opt_out_usage` at the top of your Fastfile
2022-06-16T15:14:59.8828010Z [15:14:59]: Creating authorization token for App Store Connect API
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9752060Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9752930Z |                                          deliver 2.206.2 Summary                                           |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9754640Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9755180Z | force                                        | true                                                        |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9755700Z | precheck_include_in_app_purchases            | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9756190Z | api_key_path                                 | /Users/runner/work/_temp/api_key*******.json                |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9756730Z | app_identifier                               | *****************                                           |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9757380Z | skip_binary_upload                           | true                                                        |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9758210Z | platform                                     | ios                                                         |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9758680Z | metadata_path                                | /Users/runner/work/r1/a/_iOS release/drop/AppStore/metadata |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9759240Z | skip_screenshots                             | true                                                        |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9760350Z | submit_for_review                            | true                                                        |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9760810Z | automatic_release                            | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9761270Z | submission_information.add_id_info_uses_idfa | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9761870Z | screenshots_path                             | ./screenshots                                               |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9763550Z | edit_live                                    | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9763930Z | use_live_version                             | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9764420Z | skip_metadata                                | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9764860Z | skip_app_version_update                      | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9765340Z | overwrite_screenshots                        | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9765740Z | sync_screenshots                             | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9766170Z | verify_only                                  | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9766560Z | reject_if_possible                           | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9767000Z | phased_release                               | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9767390Z | reset_ratings                                | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9767870Z | run_precheck_before_submit                   | true                                                        |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9768320Z | precheck_default_rule_level                  | warn                                                        |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9768770Z | ignore_language_directory_validation         | false                                                       |
2022-06-16T15:15:01.9770330Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-06-16T15:15:02.4445280Z [15:15:02]: Cannot find edit app store version... Retrying after 10 seconds (remaining: 4)
2022-06-16T15:15:12.8317280Z [15:15:12]: Cannot find edit app store version... Retrying after 10 seconds (remaining: 3)
2022-06-16T15:15:23.1683490Z [15:15:23]: Cannot find edit app store version... Retrying after 10 seconds (remaining: 2)
2022-06-16T15:15:33.4823960Z [15:15:33]: Cannot find edit app store version... Retrying after 10 seconds (remaining: 1)
2022-06-16T15:15:43.7976690Z [15:15:43]: Cannot find edit app store version... Retrying after 10 seconds (remaining: 0)
2022-06-16T15:15:53.8094770Z [!] Cannot update languages - could not find an editable version for 'IOS'
2022-06-16T15:15:53.8412600Z ##[error]Error: The process '/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin/fastlane' failed with exit code 1
2022-06-16T15:15:53.8434630Z ##[section]Finishing: Submit app for Review
vmapetr commented 2 years ago

Hi @SEnglishSMP thanks for reporting! We are currently working on more prioritized issues but will get back to this one once be able to.