microsoft / appcenter-sdk-cordova

App Center Preview SDK for Cordova
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Freeze gradle version to avoid bug in 4.0.0 #123

Closed Towerism closed 4 years ago

Towerism commented 4 years ago

Android Studio 4.0 was released yesterday, and with it came a new Gradle version. This gradle version has an issue requiring a workaround described at the end of this article I propose we lock down the gradle version to avoid issues like this in the future.

Towerism commented 4 years ago

@guperrot Changed to exact version 3.5.1

guperrot commented 4 years ago

We would need to run the test app to make sure before merging that (and then update the Changelog). Otherwise looks good.

outofmemoryagain commented 4 years ago

Any ETA on when this one will get tested and merged in, it's currently breaking our build and I'd like to avoid any temporary workarounds if possible.

Don't want to seem impatient. I really do appreciate the quick responses so far.

msftclas commented 4 years ago

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All CLA requirements met.

Towerism commented 4 years ago

@annakocheshkova Thanks, I signed it.