microsoft / appcenter-sdk-cordova

App Center Preview SDK for Cordova
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Explanation on APP_SECRET #142

Closed rahulchaube closed 3 years ago

rahulchaube commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am a little confused regarding what should be the APP_SECRET. Like i checked the apple developer account and google play console but didn't find any identifier with such name. Can someone shed some more light on what is APP_SECRET referred to in android and apple world.

Regards, Rahul

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johnborges commented 3 years ago

App Secret Instructions

Jamminroot commented 3 years ago

Hey @rahulchaube, thanks for getting in touch. Long words short - APP_SECRET is the identifier used to identify applications generated on the App Center side, and should be treated as a password. For more details, kindly refer to the documentation.