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Update signing process for Android #1738

Closed androideveloper closed 2 years ago

androideveloper commented 4 years ago

We are trying to build release version of the app, using our release key, but it get "jarsigner error: private key algorithm is not compatible with signature algorithm". It seems that AppCenter is using an old version of signing the app, which is security vulnerability.

As I can see from the logs AppCenter is using jarsigner and pass -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1, which is not secure and deprecated. I get this from the logs (Warning: The signer's certificate is self-signed. The MD5withRSA algorithm specified for the -sigalg option is considered a security risk.)

I also found these articles that confirm my idea:

And this quote is from xamarin issue tracker

"As of build tools 24.0.3, Google has recommended that developers use "apksigner" However we currently only support jarsigner within this task."

pmahend1 commented 3 years ago

As mentioned on another issue linked, zipalign is no more required. I would just use bundletool.jar as opposed to zipalign+apksigner(I think that's what AppCenter is using now for v2 signing)

My approach is mentioned above.

rddewan commented 3 years ago

unable to build after Re-upload your keystore file

##[section]Starting: Build
##[section]Starting: Initialize job
Agent name: 'Hosted Agent'
Agent machine name: 'Mac-1608722571125'
Current agent version: '2.179.0'
##[group]Operating System
Mac OS X
##[group]Virtual Environment
Environment: macos-10.15
Version: 20201212.1
Included Software:
Current image version: '20201212.1'
Agent running as: 'runner'
Prepare build directory.
Set build variables.
Download all required tasks.
Downloading task: PowerShell (2.179.1)
Downloading task: ShellScript (2.165.2)
Downloading task: Gradle (1.128.0)
Downloading task: AndroidSigning (3.179.1)
Downloading task: AndroidSigning (1.122.0)
Downloading task: CopyFiles (2.178.0)
Downloading task: PublishBuildArtifacts (1.158.3)
Downloading task: AppCenterDistribute (3.173.0)
Checking job knob settings.
   Knob: AgentToolsDirectory = /Users/runner/hostedtoolcache Source: ${AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY} 
Finished checking job knob settings.
Start tracking orphan processes.
##[section]Finishing: Initialize job
##[section]Starting: Sign APK
Task         : Android signing
Description  : Sign and align Android APK files
Version      : 3.179.1
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         :
##[section]Finishing: Sign APK
##[section]Starting: Checkout EasyHR-Android@release to s
Task         : Get sources
Description  : Get sources from a repository. Supports Git, TfsVC, and SVN repositories.

104 actionable tasks: 103 executed, 1 up-to-date
##[section]Finishing: Gradle Task
##[section]Starting: Android Postprocess
Task         : Shell script
Description  : Run a shell script using Bash
Version      : 2.165.2
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         :
[command]/bin/bash /Users/runner/runners/2.179.0/scripts/ /Users/runner/work/1/s/app/build/outputs/apk
Removing all ABI or density dependent APKs…
Found        1 APK file(s)
Found        0 unaligned APK file(s)
Removing "-unsigned" from affected APKs…
~/work/1/s/app/build/outputs ~/runners/2.179.0/scripts

##[section]Async Command Start: Add Build Tag
Build '52' has following tags now: normal, signed, android, android-app-bundle, mapping, distribution, manual
##[section]Async Command End: Add Build Tag
##[section]Finishing: Android Postprocess
##[section]Starting: Sign APK
Task         : Android signing
Description  : Sign and align Android APK files
Version      : 3.179.1
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         :
[command]/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/zipalign -v 4 /Users/runner/work/1/s/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk.unaligned /Users/runner/work/1/s/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
Verifying alignment of /Users/runner/work/1/s/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk (4)...
      57 res/layout/test_toolbar.xml (OK - compressed)
     348 META-INF/screenshotty-rx-lib_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
     481 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_default_album_image.png (BAD - 1)
    1634 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_subtitle_off.png (BAD - 2)
    1923 res/interpolator/btn_checkbox_checked_mtrl_animation_interpolator_0.xml (OK - compressed)
    2195 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_half_black_16dp.png (BAD - 3)
    2576 res/color/material_on_primary_disabled.xml (OK - compressed)
    2881 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_play.png (BAD - 1)
    3227 res/drawable/common_google_signin_btn_icon_dark_normal.xml (OK - compressed)
    3559 META-INF/androidx.media2_media2-common.version (OK - compressed)
    3653 META-INF/androidx.navigation_navigation-fragment.version (OK - compressed)
    3739 res/drawable-anydpi-v24/ic_mopub_skip_button.xml (OK - compressed)
    4523 res/color-v23/abc_btn_colored_text_material.xml (OK - compressed)
    4831 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_check.png (BAD - 3)
    5202 res/drawable/notification_bg_low.xml (OK - compressed)
    5536 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_black_48dp.png (OK)
    6490 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_help.png (BAD - 2)
    7429 res/layout/preference.xml (OK - compressed)
    8380 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_action_up.xml (OK - compressed)
    8865 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_skip_to_previous.png (BAD - 1)
    9136 res/animator/mtrl_extended_fab_hide_motion_spec.xml (OK - compressed)
    9555 res/drawable/abc_list_selector_background_transition_holo_light.xml (OK - compressed)
    9842 res/color/abc_primary_text_disable_only_material_dark.xml (OK - compressed)
   10123 res/layout/tool_bar.xml (OK - compressed)
   10557 res/mipmap-hdpi-v4/ic_launcher.png (BAD - 1)
   13577 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_forward_30.png (BAD - 1)
   13970 META-INF/androidx.customview_customview.version (OK - compressed)
   14058 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_black_16dp.png (BAD - 2)
   14614 META-INF/ (OK - compressed)
   14745 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_chevron_left.png (BAD - 1)
   14957 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_action_menu.png (BAD - 1)
   15156 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_fullscreen_exit.png (OK)
   15390 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_pause.png (BAD - 2)
   15605 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_assignment.png (BAD - 1)
   15929 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/smiley_happy.png (BAD - 1)
   17138 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_skip_to_next.png (BAD - 2)
   17418 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_skip_to_next.png (BAD - 2)
   17767 META-INF/commons-base_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
   18144 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_000.png (OK)
   18860 res/xml/network_security_config.xml (OK - compressed)
   19156 META-INF/androidx.room_room-runtime.version (OK - compressed)
   19260 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_tab_indicator_mtrl_alpha.9.png (OK)
   19528 res/drawable/abc_cab_background_top_material.xml (OK - compressed)
   19803 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_play.png (BAD - 3)
   20320 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/googleg_standard_color_18.png (OK)
   21390 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_ic_menu_copy_mtrl_am_alpha.png (BAD - 2)
   21792 res/color/abc_primary_text_material_light.xml (OK - compressed)
   22091 res/color/mtrl_bottom_nav_item_tint.xml (OK - compressed)
   22415 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_chevron_right.png (BAD - 3)
   22641 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_icon_light_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 1)
   23849 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_unsuccess.png (BAD - 1)
   24761 (OK - compressed)
   24879 res/layout/mtrl_calendar_day.xml (OK - compressed)
   25159 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/check_in_active.png (BAD - 3)
   27389 res/color/abc_primary_text_disable_only_material_light.xml (OK - compressed)
   27717 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_pause.png (BAD - 1)
   27903 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_action_edit.png (BAD - 3)
   28194 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_rewind_10.png (BAD - 2)
   28733 META-INF/okio.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
   29009 res/anim/abc_popup_exit.xml (OK - compressed)
   29341 META-INF/androidx.browser_browser.version (OK - compressed)
   29441 res/drawable-ldrtl-hdpi-v17/abc_spinner_mtrl_am_alpha.9.png (BAD - 1)
   29852 res/drawable-v21/md_btn_selector.xml (OK - compressed)
   30144 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_action_sync.png (OK)
   31022 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_photo_black_48dp.png (BAD - 2)
   32542 (OK - compressed)
   32662 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ucrop_ic_done.png (BAD - 2)
   33122 res/drawable/material_ic_menu_arrow_up_black_24dp.xml (OK - compressed)
   33541 META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-core-ui.version (OK - compressed)
   33634 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_half_black_16dp.png (BAD - 2)
   33840 res/layout/activity_splash.xml (OK - compressed)
   34356 res/anim/ucrop_loader_circle_scale.xml (OK - compressed)
   34796 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_action_setting.png (OK)
   35486 META-INF/ (OK - compressed)
   35584 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00012.9.png (OK)
   36506 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_scrubber_control_to_pressed_mtrl_005.png (BAD - 2)
   37197 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_middle_mtrl_dark.png (BAD - 1)
   38048 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_light.png (OK)
   38630 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_unsuccess.png (BAD - 2)
   39906 res/layout/mtrl_picker_text_input_date_range.xml (OK - compressed)
   40516 res/color/material_on_primary_emphasis_medium.xml (OK - compressed)
   40794 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_subtitle_on.png (BAD - 2)
   41055 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_half_black_36dp.png (BAD - 3)
   41908 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_cab_background_top_mtrl_alpha.9.png (OK)
   42201 res/color/mtrl_outlined_icon_tint.xml (OK - compressed)
   42567 res/drawable/abc_ic_voice_search_api_material.xml (OK - compressed)
   43105 META-INF/anko-sdk27-coroutines_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
   43251 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_warning.png (BAD - 3)
   43917 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_replay_circle_filled.png (BAD - 1)
   45104 res/interpolator/btn_checkbox_checked_mtrl_animation_interpolator_1.xml (OK - compressed)
   45357 res/drawable/avd_hide_password.xml (OK - compressed)
   45725 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_attendance.xml (OK - compressed)
   46245 res/drawable/abc_ic_ab_back_material.xml (OK - compressed)
   46707 res/color/mtrl_tabs_legacy_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed)
   47017 res/drawable/common_google_signin_btn_icon_light.xml (OK - compressed)
   47343 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_settings.xml (OK - compressed)
   48106 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_text_light_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 2)
   48889 res/drawable/material_ic_keyboard_arrow_left_black_24dp.xml (OK - compressed)
   49353 res/drawable/material_ic_keyboard_arrow_right_black_24dp.xml (OK - compressed)
   49799 res/drawable-anydpi-v24/ic_replay_circle_filled.xml (OK - compressed)
   50339 res/layout/design_layout_snackbar.xml (OK - compressed)
   50713 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_black_36dp.png (BAD - 1)
   51305 res/layout/ucrop_layout_rotate_wheel.xml (OK - compressed)
   52091 res/layout/activity_login.xml (OK - compressed)
   53455 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_middle_mtrl_light.png (BAD - 3)
   53936 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_ic_menu_share_mtrl_alpha.png (OK)
   54487 (OK - compressed)
   54638 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_ic_commit_search_api_mtrl_alpha.png (BAD - 2)
   54886 META-INF/androidx.activity_activity-ktx.version (OK - compressed)
   55007 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_text_light_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 3)
   55544 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_skip_previous.png (OK)
   55855 res/layout/text_view_without_line_height.xml (OK - compressed)
   56137 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_camera.xml (OK - compressed)
   56693 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/md_nav_back.png (BAD - 1)
   56968 res/layout/design_bottom_sheet_dialog.xml (OK - compressed)
   57551 res/layout/md_dialog_stub_title.xml (OK - compressed)
   57994 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_mopub_skip_button.png (BAD - 2)
   58610 res/layout/ucrop_view.xml (OK - compressed)
   59019 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_scrubber_control_off_mtrl_alpha.png (BAD - 3)
   59399 res/layout/expand_button.xml (OK - compressed)
   60218 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_light.png (BAD - 2)
   60594 res/anim/abc_popup_enter.xml (OK - compressed)
   60933 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_default_album_image.xml (OK - compressed)
   61422 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/md_nav_back.png (BAD - 2)
   61665 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_check.png (BAD - 1)
   61863 res/color/abc_tint_switch_track.xml (OK - compressed)
   62240 res/drawable/ucrop_vector_loader.xml (OK - compressed)
   62842 res/mipmap-xhdpi-v4/ic_launcher.png (BAD - 2)
   66695 res/layout/preference_dropdown_material.xml (OK - compressed)
   67118 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_action_menu.png (BAD - 2)
   67322 res/color/abc_hint_foreground_material_light.xml (OK - compressed)
   67656 res/layout/design_navigation_item_header.xml (OK - compressed)
   67962 res/anim/popup_exit.xml (OK - compressed)
   68300 res/layout/preference_widget_seekbar_material.xml (OK - compressed)
   69453 res/mipmap-xxhdpi-v4/ic_launcher_round.png (BAD - 1)
   82338 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_replay_circle_filled.png (BAD - 2)
   82843 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_pause_circle_filled.png (BAD - 3)
   83378 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_pause.png (BAD - 2)
   83641 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/googleg_disabled_color_18.png (BAD - 1)
   84428 res/raw/travelers_walking.json (OK - compressed)
   92058 res/color/material_on_surface_emphasis_high_type.xml (OK - compressed)
   92336 res/color/mtrl_filled_background_color.xml (OK - compressed)
   92715 res/layout/md_listitem_multichoice.xml (OK - compressed)
   93085 (OK - compressed)
   93212 res/drawable/tooltip_frame_light.xml (OK - compressed)
   93528 META-INF/androidx.slidingpanelayout_slidingpanelayout.version (OK - compressed)
   93607 res/drawable-v21/md_btn_selector_dark.xml (OK - compressed)
   93893 res/layout/md_dialog_stub_message.xml (OK - compressed)
   94175 res/xml/image_picker_provider_paths.xml (OK - compressed)
   94408 res/drawable/material_ic_menu_arrow_down_black_24dp.xml (OK - compressed)
   94809 META-INF/kotlin-stdlib.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
   96849 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_000.png (BAD - 1)
   97226 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_action_menu.png (BAD - 2)
   97403 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_sd.png (BAD - 3)
   97701 res/drawable/ucrop_scale.xml (OK - compressed)
   98013 res/drawable/common_google_signin_btn_text_light_normal.xml (OK - compressed)
   98372 res/color/material_on_background_emphasis_high_type.xml (OK - compressed)
   98647 res/layout/preference_widget_switch.xml (OK - compressed)
   98981 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_mopub_skip_button.png (BAD - 1)
  100096 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ucrop_ic_angle.png (OK)
  101105 res/layout/preference_category.xml (OK - compressed)
  101406 res/layout/mtrl_alert_select_dialog_singlechoice.xml (OK - compressed)
  101946 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_unmute.png (BAD - 2)
  102638 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_ic_menu_selectall_mtrl_alpha.png (BAD - 2)
  102915 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00001.9.png (BAD - 3)
  105530 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_skip_to_previous.png (BAD - 2)
  105898 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_forward_30.png (BAD - 2)
  106260 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_list_focused_holo.9.png (OK)
  106576 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_skip_next.png (OK)
  107230 res/drawable/custom_progress.xml (OK - compressed)
  107658 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_ic_menu_paste_mtrl_am_alpha.png (BAD - 2)
  107889 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_default_album_image.png (BAD - 1)
  109474 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_action_log.png (BAD - 2)
  109774 res/color/common_google_signin_btn_text_dark.xml (OK - compressed)
  110122 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_confirm.xml (OK - compressed)
  110549 META-INF/app_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
  110626 (OK - compressed)
  110740 res/color/mtrl_tabs_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed)
  111233 res/layout/design_menu_item_action_area.xml (OK - compressed)
  111510 res/anim/btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_ring_outer_path_animation.xml (OK - compressed)
  111953 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_heart.png (BAD - 1)
  112323 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_light.png (BAD - 3)
  112821 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/check_in_inactive.png (BAD - 1)
  114905 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_chevron_right.png (BAD - 1)
  115113 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ucrop_ic_done.png (BAD - 1)
  115438 res/drawable-ldrtl-xxxhdpi-v17/abc_spinner_mtrl_am_alpha.9.png (BAD - 2)
  115958 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_half_black_48dp.png (BAD - 2)
  116588 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_pause_circle_filled.png (OK)
  117854 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_chevron_right.png (BAD - 2)
  118034 META-INF/rxbinding_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
  118861 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_dark.png (BAD - 1)
  119438 res/layout/preference_dropdown.xml (OK - compressed)
  120437 (OK - compressed)
  120575 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_popup_background_mtrl_mult.9.png (BAD - 3)
  121422 res/layout/abc_popup_menu_item_layout.xml (OK - compressed)
  122302 res/layout/design_bottom_navigation_item.xml (OK - compressed)
  122977 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_fullscreen_exit.png (BAD - 1)
  123146 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/easyhr_logo.png (BAD - 2)
  137657 res/drawable/ucrop_wrapper_controls_shape.xml (OK - compressed)
  138001 res/drawable-ldrtl-hdpi-v17/abc_ic_menu_cut_mtrl_alpha.png (BAD - 1)
  138475 res/layout/mtrl_picker_header_fullscreen.xml (OK - compressed)
  139544 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/tg_logo.jpg (OK)
  147430 res/drawable/abc_ic_clear_material.xml (OK - compressed)
  147876 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_tab_indicator_mtrl_alpha.9.png (OK)
  148182 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/media_session_service_notification_ic_skip_to_previous.xml (OK - compressed)
  148565 res/drawable/botton_nav_text_color.xml (OK - compressed)
  148880 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_spinner_mtrl_am_alpha.9.png (OK)
  149403 res/drawable/material_ic_clear_black_24dp.xml (OK - compressed)
  149880 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_play.png (OK)
  150261 res/layout/abc_alert_dialog_material.xml (OK - compressed)
  151107 res/drawable/md_item_selected_dark.xml (OK - compressed)
  151367 res/color/material_slider_active_track_color.xml (OK - compressed)
  151686 res/mipmap-mdpi-v4/ic_launcher_round.png (BAD - 2)
  154434 res/color/material_on_background_disabled.xml (OK - compressed)
  154713 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_action_clock.png (BAD - 1)
  155998 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_middle_mtrl_dark.png (BAD - 2)
  156641 res/color/abc_tint_default.xml (OK - compressed)
  157118 res/animator/mtrl_fab_hide_motion_spec.xml (OK - compressed)
  157527 res/layout-land/mtrl_picker_header_dialog.xml (OK - compressed)
  158158 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_profile.png (BAD - 2)
  158437 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_000.png (BAD - 1)
  159306 res/animator-v21/design_appbar_state_list_animator.xml (OK - compressed)
  159814 res/anim/ucrop_loader_circle_path.xml (OK - compressed)
  160225 res/layout/mtrl_alert_select_dialog_item.xml (OK - compressed)
  160610 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_people.png (BAD - 2)
  161320 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_textfield_default_mtrl_alpha.9.png (OK)
  161580 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_action_edit.png (OK)
  161915 res/anim/btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_ring_outer_animation.xml (OK - compressed)
  162420 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_black_16dp.png (OK)
  162683 res/navigation/attendance_navigation.xml (OK - compressed)
  163087 res/layout/preference_dialog_edittext.xml (OK - compressed)
  163663 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_launch.png (BAD - 3)
  163956 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_textfield_search_activated_mtrl_alpha.9.png (OK)
  164201 res/layout/test_action_chip.xml (OK - compressed)
  164552 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_action_clock.xml (OK - compressed)
  165157 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_music_note.png (BAD - 1)
  165459 res/color/mtrl_btn_stroke_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed)
  165784 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/easyhr_logo.png (OK)
  181427 res/interpolator-v21/mtrl_fast_out_linear_in.xml (OK - compressed)
  181707 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ucrop_ic_done.png (BAD - 3)
  181979 res/layout/mtrl_alert_dialog_title.xml (OK - compressed)
  182453 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_camera.png (BAD - 1)
  182762 res/drawable-v21/notification_action_background.xml (OK - compressed)
  183302 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_audiotrack.png (BAD - 2)
  183990 (OK - compressed)
  184112 res/anim/abc_slide_out_bottom.xml (OK - compressed)
  184408 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/md_nav_back.xml (OK - compressed)
  184821 META-INF/androidx.legacy_legacy-support-v4.version (OK - compressed)
  184898 res/drawable/ic_launcher_background.xml (OK - compressed)
  185954 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_aspect_ratio.png (BAD - 2)
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  389109 kotlin/coroutines/coroutines.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed)
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  399831 (OK - compressed)
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  410153 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/notification_bg_low_normal.9.png (BAD - 1)
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  413583 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_action_sync.png (BAD - 3)
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  423214 (OK - compressed)
  423381 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_skip_to_previous.png (BAD - 1)
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  434581 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_text_dark_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 1)
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  441227 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_list_focused_holo.9.png (BAD - 3)
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  456214 (OK - compressed)
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  477918 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_mopub_skip_button.png (BAD - 2)
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  483617 (OK - compressed)
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 6356538 kotlin/internal/internal.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed)
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 6358279 res/color/mtrl_btn_text_btn_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6358680 META-INF/navigation-ui-ktx_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
 6358879 res/xml/standalone_badge.xml (OK - compressed)
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 6359664 META-INF/androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-service.version (OK - compressed)
 6359742 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_rewind_10.xml (OK - compressed)
 6360468 res/layout/custom_map_infowindow.xml (OK - compressed)
 6361189 res/drawable-ldrtl-xxhdpi-v17/abc_ic_menu_cut_mtrl_alpha.png (BAD - 1)
 6361962 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_confirm.png (BAD - 2)
 6362179 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/logo.png (BAD - 3)
 6371934 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_action_sync.png (BAD - 2)
 6372443 res/layout/test_design_checkbox.xml (OK - compressed)
 6372854 res/color/mtrl_bottom_nav_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6373346 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_aspect_ratio.png (BAD - 2)
 6373611 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_home.png (BAD - 3)
 6373904 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_015.png (OK)
 6375186 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ucrop_ic_angle.png (BAD - 2)
 6377769 res/layout/notification_template_big_media_narrow_custom.xml (OK - compressed)
 6378881 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_audiotrack.png (BAD - 1)
 6379795 res/animator/mtrl_card_state_list_anim.xml (OK - compressed)
 6380365 res/color/mtrl_on_primary_text_btn_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed)
 6380682 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/md_nav_back.png (BAD - 2)
 6381070 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_replay_circle_filled.png (BAD - 2)
 6382747 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_skip_previous.png (BAD - 3)
 6383089 res/color/radiobutton_themeable_attribute_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6383389 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_assignment.png (BAD - 1)
 6383903 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_icon_light_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 3)
 6384482 res/drawable/abc_ratingbar_indicator_material.xml (OK - compressed)
 6384865 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_ic_menu_share_mtrl_alpha.png (BAD - 1)
 6385636 (OK - compressed)
 6385779 res/drawable/common_google_signin_btn_text_light.xml (OK - compressed)
 6386106 res/layout/shimmer_placeholder_item.xml (OK - compressed)
 6386790 res/layout/music_with_title_landscape.xml (OK - compressed)
 6387409 META-INF/androidx.loader_loader.version (OK - compressed)
 6387515 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_scrubber_control_to_pressed_mtrl_000.png (BAD - 3)
 6387989 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_fullscreen.xml (OK - compressed)
 6388416 res/drawable/design_ic_visibility_off.xml (OK - compressed)
 6389116 res/drawable/abc_list_selector_holo_dark.xml (OK - compressed)
 6389529 META-INF/mopub-sdk-base_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
 6389628 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_000.png (OK)
 6390677 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_profile.png (BAD - 1)
 6391009 META-INF/androidx.viewpager_viewpager.version (OK - compressed)
 6391099 res/animator/mtrl_btn_unelevated_state_list_anim.xml (OK - compressed)
 6391255 res/drawable-ldrtl-xhdpi-v17/abc_ic_menu_cut_mtrl_alpha.png (BAD - 3)
 6391816 res/layout-v26/abc_screen_toolbar.xml (OK - compressed)
 6392524 res/anim/abc_tooltip_exit.xml (OK - compressed)
 6392824 res/layout/notification_template_big_media_custom.xml (OK - compressed)
 6393898 META-INF/navigation-common-ktx_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
 6394083 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_action_setting.png (BAD - 3)
 6394634 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_dark.png (BAD - 2)
 6394940 res/interpolator/btn_checkbox_unchecked_mtrl_animation_interpolator_0.xml (OK - compressed)
 6395185 (OK - compressed)
 6395341 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_music_note.png (BAD - 1)
 6395742 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_location_person.png (BAD - 2)
 6396872 res/drawable/abc_ratingbar_small_material.xml (OK - compressed)
 6397246 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_location_person.png (BAD - 2)
 6397965 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_light.png (BAD - 1)
 6398217 res/drawable/mtrl_dropdown_arrow.xml (OK - compressed)
 6398503 res/menu/drawer_menu.xml (OK - compressed)
 6398943 META-INF/androidx.cardview_cardview.version (OK - compressed)
 6399039 res/drawable/abc_spinner_textfield_background_material.xml (OK - compressed)
 6399531 META-INF/androidx.navigation_navigation-ui-ktx.version (OK - compressed)
 6399611 res/color/mtrl_btn_text_color_selector.xml (OK - compressed)
 6399922 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_sd.png (BAD - 2)
 6400258 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_action_up.png (BAD - 2)
 6400528 META-INF/androidx.coordinatorlayout_coordinatorlayout.version (OK - compressed)
 6400609 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_skip_previous.png (BAD - 1)
 6400918 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_music_note.png (BAD - 2)
 6401144 res/drawable/common_google_signin_btn_text_disabled.xml (OK - compressed)
 6401652 res/menu/ucrop_menu_activity.xml (OK - compressed)
 6402071 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_play.png (BAD - 3)
 6402345 res/color/mtrl_fab_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6402735 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_success.png (BAD - 3)
 6403228 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_mopub_skip_button.png (OK)
 6405635 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/ic_subtitle_off.png (BAD - 3)
 6406153 res/color/common_google_signin_btn_tint.xml (OK - compressed)
 6406448 res/color/material_slider_thumb_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6406769 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_subtitle_off.png (BAD - 1)
 6407007 res/layout/notification_media_cancel_action.xml (OK - compressed)
 6407447 res/layout/preference_information.xml (OK - compressed)
 6408169 kotlin/ranges/ranges.kotlin_builtins (OK - compressed)
 6409206 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_play_circle_filled.png (BAD - 2)
 6410231 res/mipmap-xxhdpi-v4/ic_launcher.png (BAD - 3)
 6417320 res/drawable/md_item_selected.xml (OK - compressed)
 6417570 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_people.png (BAD - 2)
 6417873 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_camera.png (BAD - 1)
 6418384 META-INF/anko-coroutines_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
 6418547 META-INF/anko-support-v4_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
 6418695 META-INF/supportV4-base_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
 6418911 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/media_session_service_notification_ic_music_note.xml (OK - compressed)
 6419377 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_icon_dark_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 1)
 6420359 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_switch_track_mtrl_alpha.9.png (BAD - 3)
 6420827 res/layout/preference_category_material.xml (OK - compressed)
 6421650 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_ic_star_half_black_16dp.png (BAD - 2)
 6422093 res/drawable/bottom_sheet_rounded.xml (OK - compressed)
 6422441 res/anim/btn_checkbox_to_checked_box_inner_merged_animation.xml (OK - compressed)
 6423179 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_list_selector_disabled_holo_dark.9.png (BAD - 3)
 6423494 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_015.png (BAD - 2)
 6424002 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_skip_previous.png (BAD - 2)
 6424578 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_textfield_activated_mtrl_alpha.9.png (BAD - 2)
 6424867 META-INF/androidx.annotation_annotation-experimental.version (OK - compressed)
 6424970 res/drawable/btn_checkbox_checked_to_unchecked_mtrl_animation.xml (OK - compressed)
 6425345 lib/armeabi-v7a/ (OK - compressed)
 6449440 res/color/material_slider_inactive_track_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6449763 res/drawable/design_fab_background.xml (OK - compressed)
 6450021 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_aspect_ratio.png (BAD - 1)
 6450351 res/layout/mtrl_calendar_months.xml (OK - compressed)
 6450661 res/layout/design_layout_tab_icon.xml (OK - compressed)
 6450972 res/anim-v21/design_bottom_sheet_slide_out.xml (OK - compressed)
 6451337 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_people.xml (OK - compressed)
 6451931 res/xml/root_preferences.xml (OK - compressed)
 6452671 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_light.png (BAD - 3)
 6453255 res/layout/abc_screen_content_include.xml (OK - compressed)
 6453625 res/drawable/ic_mtrl_chip_checked_black.xml (OK - compressed)
 6454025 res/layout/attendance_zone_bottom_sheet_view.xml (OK - compressed)
 6454830 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_sync.png (BAD - 2)
 6455165 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/notification_bg_normal_pressed.9.png (BAD - 1)
 6455459 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_attendance.png (BAD - 3)
 6455850 res/color/mtrl_card_view_foreground.xml (OK - compressed)
 6456225 res/layout/mtrl_picker_dialog.xml (OK - compressed)
 6456758 res/layout/abc_alert_dialog_title_material.xml (OK - compressed)
 6457474 res/mipmap-hdpi-v4/ic_launcher_round.png (BAD - 2)
 6462784 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00012.9.png (OK)
 6465687 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_camera.png (BAD - 3)
 6466415 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_location.png (BAD - 3)
 6466769 res/layout/text_view_with_line_height_from_style.xml (OK - compressed)
 6467071 res/color-v23/abc_tint_switch_track.xml (OK - compressed)
 6467431 res/xml/standalone_badge_gravity_bottom_start.xml (OK - compressed)
 6467693 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/ic_settings.png (BAD - 1)
 6468159 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_scrubber_control_to_pressed_mtrl_000.png (BAD - 3)
 6468385 res/drawable/common_google_signin_btn_text_dark.xml (OK - compressed)
 6468714 res/animator/mtrl_chip_state_list_anim.xml (OK - compressed)
 6469176 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_forward_30.png (OK)
 6470217 res/layout/select_dialog_singlechoice_material.xml (OK - compressed)
 6470731 META-INF/androidx.sqlite_sqlite.version (OK - compressed)
 6470804 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_help.xml (OK - compressed)
 6471354 res/layout/design_navigation_item_separator.xml (OK - compressed)
 6471662 (OK - compressed)
 6471830 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_text_light_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 2)
 6472721 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/ic_photo_camera_black_48dp.png (BAD - 1)
 6474459 res/layout/custom_add_zone_dialog.xml (OK - compressed)
 6475296 res/drawable-anydpi-v21/ic_forward_30.xml (OK - compressed)
 6476271 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_icon_dark_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 3)
 6477847 res/color/mtrl_chip_ripple_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6478235 META-INF/base_release.kotlin_module (OK - compressed)
 6478419 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/common_google_signin_btn_text_dark_normal_background.9.png (BAD - 3)
 6479573 res/layout/preference_recyclerview.xml (OK - compressed)
 6479970 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/media_session_service_notification_ic_pause.png (BAD - 2)
 6480161 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_chevron_right.png (BAD - 1)
 6480384 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/md_nav_back.png (OK)
 6480683 res/anim/fragment_close_enter.xml (OK - compressed)
 6481224 res/color/mtrl_choice_chip_background_color.xml (OK - compressed)
 6481631 res/drawable-xxxhdpi-v4/abc_ic_menu_paste_mtrl_am_alpha.png (BAD - 3)
 6482164 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_action_sync.png (OK)
 6482528 res/layout/test_toolbar_custom_background.xml (OK - compressed)
 6482846 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_mopub_close_button.png (BAD - 2)
 6483940 (OK - compressed)
 6484087 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_dark.png (BAD - 3)
 6484453 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_scrubber_track_mtrl_alpha.9.png (BAD - 1)
 6484715 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/ic_help.png (BAD - 3)
 6485380 res/drawable/abc_btn_default_mtrl_shape.xml (OK - compressed)
 6485833 (OK - compressed)
 6485956 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ic_aspect_ratio.png (OK)
 6486198 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00001.9.png (BAD - 2)
 6487022 res/color-v23/abc_tint_btn_checkable.xml (OK - compressed)
 6487380 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_000.png (OK)
 6487720 res/drawable/ucrop_rotate.xml (OK - compressed)
 6488016 res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/check_in_active.png (OK)
 6491913 (OK - compressed)
 6492029 res/anim/nav_default_exit_anim.xml (OK - compressed)
 6492365 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/abc_textfield_activated_mtrl_alpha.9.png (BAD - 1)
 6492635 res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/common_full_open_on_phone.png (BAD - 3)
 6493207 res/layout/notification_template_big_media_narrow.xml (OK - compressed)
 6493931 res/drawable-mdpi-v4/ic_add.png (BAD - 3)
 6494094 res/xml/standalone_badge_offset.xml (OK - compressed)
 6494392 res/drawable/abc_seekbar_tick_mark_material.xml (OK - compressed)
 6494715 res/drawable-hdpi-v4/notification_bg_normal.9.png (BAD - 3)
 6494997 res/drawable-ldpi-v4/ucrop_ic_angle.png (BAD - 1)
Verification FAILED
##[error]Error: The process '/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/zipalign' failed with exit code 1
##[section]Finishing: Sign APK
##[section]Starting: Sign APK
Task         : Android signing
Description  : Sign and align Android APK files
Version      : 3.179.1
Author       : Microsoft Corporation
Help         :
##[section]Finishing: Sign APK
##[section]Starting: Checkout EasyHR-Android@release to s
Task         : Get sources
Description  : Get sources from a repository. Supports Git, TfsVC, and SVN repositories.
Version      : 1.0.0
Author       : Microsoft
Help         : [More Information](
Cleaning any cached credential from repository: EasyHR-Android (ExternalGit)
##[section]Finishing: Checkout EasyHR-Android@release to s
##[section]Starting: Finalize Job
Cleaning up task key
Start cleaning up orphan processes.
Terminate orphan process: pid (1378) (java)
Terminate orphan process: pid (1093) (java)
##[section]Finishing: Finalize Job
##[section]Finishing: Build
pmahend1 commented 3 years ago

Looking at these zipalign is no more required as latest gradle plugin(AGP) aligns it internally , probably through zipflinger So trying to align already aligned apk results in this error.

Solution is to omit zipalign I think. I was only able to find zipflinger in bundletool source code

logicallayer commented 3 years ago

The best course of action is by reverting the change that appcenter applied few days ago.

I noticed that it added zipalign verification command which is causing the issue.

veeredra commented 3 years ago

This Worked. dependencies { classpath "" }

murilokrugner commented 3 years ago

here it works with:

dependencies { classpath "" }

thanks @veeredra

ishaanverma commented 3 years ago

Downgrading both the gradle plugin version to 4.0.0 and the gradle version in gradle/wrapper/ to 6.1.1 seemed to work for me.

NasarIqbalTechswivel commented 3 years ago

this solution also works me dependencies { classpath "" }

akar33 commented 3 years ago

I've tried changing the Gradle plugin version to 4.0.0 and Gradle itself to 6.1.1 but I still end with the same error. `Verification FAILED

[error]Error: The process '/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/zipalign' failed with exit code 1`

maciejbadura commented 3 years ago

I had to downgrade Gradle plugin to 3.5.4 and it works with Gradle 6.5 for me. Maybe this will help you @akar33.

sarah541 commented 3 years ago

It was working fine until a few days back by downgrading gradle plugin version to 4.0.0. But again causing the same issues The error I get is Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Scanning Failed.: No signature found in package of version 2 or newer for package]. Is anybody experiencing this? When is App Center planning to fix this?

hugo-advizr commented 3 years ago

This is still a critical issue which blocks us from building the Android app. Can we get a status update and an ETA of when this is going to be solved? Thank you!

logicallayer commented 3 years ago

Hi Hugo-advizr,

The best workaround that got our team moving forward is to use build.gradle signing by checking the box on the appcenter that says "my gradle settings are entirely set to handle signing automatically"

this will enable you to use 4.1+

This is still a critical issue which blocks us from building the Android app. Can we get a status update and an ETA of when this is going to be solved? Thank you!

hugo-advizr commented 3 years ago

Thanks @logicallayer, unfortunately that requires the keystore to be commited into the git repo which isn't an option for us - even as a workaround.

ac-apple-account commented 3 years ago

@logicallayer since this is a v4.1+ issue, the ETA of it being solved depends on when Android gradle plugin 4.2 is released. It is currently in beta stage.

logicallayer commented 3 years ago

@ac-apple-account Hi,

Why there is confidence that gradle 4.2 will fix the issue?

Or is it just a guess?

miroslavmatovic commented 3 years ago

@logicallayer that issue was mentioned here and its planned for 4.2 gradle plugin release

JamesMahy commented 3 years ago

@logicallayer @miroslavmatovic @ac-apple-account I still have this issue with Gradle 4.0.0, so it's not a v4.1+ issue

miroslavmatovic commented 3 years ago

@JamesMahy the reported issue and workaround here are for using gradle plugin, not gradle.

kpietrzak-web commented 3 years ago

Facing same issue here after I've unselected "My Gradle settings are entirely set to handle signing automatically" and tried to upload .jks and configure to sign my app with alias and passwords.

Maybe it could work with this option selected but I don't want to upload to repo my production configs.

kpietrzak-web commented 3 years ago

I think only good and still safe workaround is to set keystore, password and alias as env hidden variables on appcenter and then take it and save again to file in or But it isn't nice solution at all.

akar33 commented 3 years ago

Since my previous comment, I've moved away from letting AppCenter build our Android apps. The fact that this issue hasn't been addressed in so long does not provide any confidence that other issues that crop up in the future will be addressed timely. Issues like these ruin our workflow and we can't spend time coming up with workarounds for things that should be easily fixed.

kevinboosten commented 3 years ago

FWIW, I had the debuggable property set to true on my Android buildTarget that I was trying to build when getting this error:

`Verification FAILED

[error]Error: The process '/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/zipalign' failed with exit code 1`

Changing it to false worked for me:

tst {
            debuggable false
            applicationIdSuffix = '.tst'
            matchingFallbacks = ['release']
Qwin commented 3 years ago

so having also this error: '/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/zipalign' failed with exit code 1

I solved it by changing the minSDK, so we had minSDK: 23 and I changed it to minSDK: 21 and that did the trick. If I change it back again it fails again.. so WEIRD, please microsoft fix these issues.

Also I have another build with the same settings and that one always works it uses for some reason the build tools 24 instead of 30, the only difference is that I created the build earlier...

This all doesnt make sense, at least give us an option to select build tools!

hasan9444 commented 3 years ago

any update on this..

burya4ok commented 3 years ago

Are someone working on that issue or not??

MaurilioNovais commented 3 years ago

For the problem with zipalign, i tried for a few hours to understand what was going on. As @pmahend1 said, the updated version of gradle uses zipflinger to build the app and appcenter tries to sign the app with zipalign, causing a conflict and causing the problem.

I was able to build the app with the updated gradle and buildToolsVersion versions by disabling the zipflinger, adding the following instruction according to the (documentation) in the file:

android.useNewApkCreator = false

With that, the process of building and signing the app was carried out successfully (with a keystore certificate being uploaded to the appcenter);

burya4ok commented 3 years ago

android.useNewApkCreator = false It works on my project, Thanks a lot! @MaurilioNovais

gustavopch commented 3 years ago

I followed @MaurilioNovais's suggestion and the build started to crash with the following error:

[command]/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/apksigner sign --ks /Users/runner/work/_temp/1199b1b3-f307-40da-8d35-67ee0fde8dfa --ks-pass pass:*** --ks-key-alias *** --key-pass pass:*** -verbose /Users/runner/work/1/s/apps/app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
Failed to load signer "signer #1" Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
Caused by: Password verification failed
    ... 10 more
##[error]Error: The process '/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/apksigner' failed with exit code 2

:heavy_check_mark: Reuploading the keystore did the trick. It works now (I'm using Gradle Plugin 4.1.0).

sukrit007 commented 3 years ago

I added android.useNewApkCreator = false, but still getting error Verification FAILED

[error]Error: The process '/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/30.0.3/zipalign' failed with exit code 1

My minSdkVersion = 27 . I have tried with 23 to 27, with no luck

snios commented 3 years ago

BUMP! You have the answer on how to solve this. Why not escalate it and just do it?

gustavopch commented 3 years ago

@sukrit007 I think I had that error too. After setting android.useNewApkCreator = false, remove your keystore from the build settings, and upload it again.

iamandiradu commented 3 years ago

@MaurilioNovais's fixed worked for me. Thanks!

hannta commented 3 years ago

After updating to Gradle plugin version 4.2.0, this issue is fixed at least on my app (no need to set android.useNewApkCreator = false etc).

ngseba commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that @hannta's solution worked! Thanks

adrienrx commented 3 years ago

@hannta 's solution worked for me too. 🚀 (thanks!)

I had tried to remove and re-add my keystore too. (if the above doesn't help, try to remove and re-add your keystore and re-build)

image (19)

ERRicP commented 3 years ago

In my case, I was using the Gradle Plugin 4.2.1 with Gradle 6.7.1, but still missing the APK Signatures. This started happening on the first build after I started targeting Android SDK 30.

I fixed it by:

  1. Open the build configuration
  2. Uncheck "Sign Builds"
  3. Save
  4. Open build configuration again
  5. Re-check "Sign Builds", and add the keystore, passwords, alias back
  6. Save and Build

It's possible that steps 2-5 were unnecessary.

nicolgit commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue here with a xamarin forms application I have to upgrade to Android 11 within next november (last month Google accept apk compiled for Android 10)

any update?

hannta commented 3 years ago

@nicolgit Update to Gradle plugin 4.2.0 or later, problem solved?

samnanduri commented 3 years ago

I downgraded the SDK compile version to Android 10.0 (Q) and Target Android version to API Level 29 ( I had originally set it to Android 11.0 , API Level 30 ) .. And the apk distributed by AppCenter worked and didn't crash on the device image image

netshade commented 3 years ago

Also ran into this with latest react-native libs not being aligned correctly, previously we were uploading our KeyStore to the project. Adjusted by doing following:

Added 4 new environment variables to project, key store file, key store alias, key store password, key password. Key store file is the output of base64 ~/path/to/keystore/file.

In our, we decode the KeyStore file to a location via echo "${THE_KEY_STORE_FILE_ENV_VAR}" | base64 -d > /key/store/file/location

In our Gradle file, we now have something like this:

   signingConfigs {
        def releaseKeystore = file('/key/store/file/location')
            release {
                storeFile releaseKeystore
                storePassword System.getenv()["THE_KEY_STORE_PASS_WORD_ENV_VAR"]
                keyAlias System.getenv()["THE_KEY_STORE_ALIAS_ENV_VAR"]
                keyPassword System.getenv()["THE_KEY_PASS_WORD_ENV_VAR"]
        } else {
           release {
             storeFile file('/some/dummy/keystore')


  buildTypes {
    release {

and then tell AppCenter that we manage the signing process in our Gradle file. Then, the APK is signed as you'd expect, and AppCenter won't bother with signing.

scisammy commented 3 years ago

@hannta answer worked for me

removing android.useNewApkCreator = false from gradle properties

and updating to Gradle plugin version 4.2.0, fixed my issue

cleardemon commented 3 years ago

Hit this problem recently with new shiny Android devices, using Xamarin.Android (not Gradle). My app has been set up in App Center for 2+ years, and then builds didn't work on Android 11. This does not apply to builds submitted to Google Play as Google will re-sign the app anyway via the .AAB, only to those APKs distributed via App Center.

In case anyone has the same problem, my solution was to remove any zipalign calls that had been in (to solve previous issues) and re-upload the .keystore to the branch configuration (no need to generate a new one).

Previously, the build steps were running jarsigner, updating the saved keystore in the branch config changes the build to use apksigner. Result: all installs fine on Android 11 devices!

GustavoContreiras-Feegow commented 3 years ago

I have two branches that are equal and when I build one it searchs for a variable in build.gradle file that don't exist anymore. Looks like build.gradle is cached and not refreshing.

mspasov commented 3 years ago

In my case, I was using the Gradle Plugin 4.2.1 with Gradle 6.7.1, but still missing the APK Signatures. This started happening on the first build after I started targeting Android SDK 30.

I fixed it by:

  1. Open the build configuration
  2. Uncheck "Sign Builds"
  3. Save
  4. Open build configuration again
  5. Re-check "Sign Builds", and add the keystore, passwords, alias back
  6. Save and Build

It's possible that steps 2-5 were unnecessary.

I confirm that this is the way to go.

sonjz commented 3 years ago

using Xamarin.

i see there appears to be a workaround for Build, but I haven't found a workaround for Test.

API 30 just fails anytime i add it to my AndroidManifest.xml for appcenter, or add all the flags on apksigner this also prevents pushing an aab for testing, though I get that appcenter just wants an apk for testing... but there doesn't appear to be a way to Test API 30 / Android 11 on appcenter. period.

my workaround is to update the AndroidManifest.xml and limit the targetSdkVersion to 29 (Android 10)

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="29" />

sorry to see maintenance for Android has fallen behind so much, at time of writing 553 days has passed since this bug was opened. doesn't really make sense...

beeradmoore commented 3 years ago

Posting my experience with this.

Xamarin app that used to target API 29 we updated to API 30. Was getting build errors. Now that Xamarin.Android 11.3 is supported this will build on the macOS 11.6 environments.

After successful builds I was having the PackageManager: No signature found in package of version 2 or newer for package com.beeradmoore.myapp issues. I did attempt to use

<AndroidApkSignerAdditionalArguments>--v2-signing-enabled true</AndroidApkSignerAdditionalArguments>

but this did nothing as the jarsigner tool would run later.

I was not able to use the workaround provided by @johanlunds, because disabling signing meant I couldn't fallback the project signing itself while being built. I also couldn't distribute builds if the enable signing box was toggled off. I think this may only be true for Xamarin.Android projects.

The other solution from @craiglp did the trick though. For me I disabled signing, save and build, cancel build. Enable signing, upload keystore, save and build. Bingo bango everything is wonderful and working again.

Thanks all for the hard work 🙌

If disabling and re-enabling signing is fixing it for everyone can this be marked as closed anytime soon?

brunck commented 2 years ago

@beeradmoore 's workaround worked for me, but I had to make sure I was using Xamarin.Android 11.3, which is in preview as of this writing.

ahmedalejo commented 2 years ago

This seems to have already been documented and has "fixed" as of (Dec 17, 2020)

and is similar to what @beeradmoore referred to as shared by @craiglp

As of Android 11, it's mandatory to use the APK signer (if you use API level 30) as it will set some extra schemes "APK Signature Scheme v2 now required". App Center now (since Dec 17, 2020) signs Android applications using APK signer internally, instead of JAR signer which was used previously. As part of the feature to enable APK signer in App Center, Android signing task V3 was implemented, and requirements for new Signing task were to change how keystore file is saved - to store the keystore file in an AzDO secure file (Android signing build and release task - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Docs).


Any build configurations that had their keystore files uploaded prior to Dec 17, 2020 still use the APK Signature Scheme v2 signing method (jarsigner). To use the APK Signature Scheme v3 signing flow, users just have to re-upload their keystore files and save their branch configuration.

beeradmoore commented 2 years ago

Sure would be nice if instead of a yellow gradle warning we could have that displayed for people who have not re-added their keystore 👍