microsoft / arcticseals

A deep learning project in cooperation with the NOAA Marine Mammal Lab to detect & classify arctic seals in aerial imagery to understand how they’re adapting to a changing world.
MIT License
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Pretrained weights #33

Open AmitMY opened 5 years ago

AmitMY commented 5 years ago

In the README you elude to having pretrained models -

Copy the folder /ai4edevfs/models/seals-detection-ir-n-large-86.0 to the models directory of the SealDetectionAPI folder. This models folder will be copied to the docker image as /app/models. Now adjust the path to the model in detection_api/ to point to the correct path, e.g. /app/models/seals-detection-ir-n-large-86.0/fasterrcnn_07281142_0.8598245413189538.

But I cannot find those files anywhere on the repository. Are those files available? if not, is it possible to make them available?

agentmorris commented 5 years ago

We don't really have pre-trained weights in a state that are ready for sharing, but that's only out of cleanliness, not secrecy... email me at and we'll figure out whether there's a model that would be useful to you. Thanks for your interest!