microsoft / automatic-graph-layout

A set of tools for graph layout and viewing
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Added WpfApplicationSample_OnnxViewer #347

Closed beru closed 1 year ago

beru commented 1 year ago

Hi, this MR adds another sample project named WpfApplicationSample_OnnxViewer.

Onnx.cs file was created with Protocol Buffers compiler (link) and ONNX spec file (link).

Google.Protobuf also needs to be installed to build the project.

After dropping an onnx file into the application window, its graph contents will be displayed like the following using MSAGL.


levnach commented 1 year ago

When I run the example, I see an empty window. Can you please provide a file/graph that can be dropped to the window?

beru commented 1 year ago

I downloaded yolov5n.onnx file from here . The link was mentioned in

Other onnx files can also be downloaded from