microsoft / azdo-databricks

A set of Build and Release tasks for Building, Deploying and Testing Databricks notebooks
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Waiting Task : INTERNAL ERROR not catched #16

Open Isarien opened 4 years ago

Isarien commented 4 years ago

Waiting task does not catch all error. In my case, I inadvertently launch a missing file. The databricks job fail with an internal error, but the task does not catch it, so it continue to wait.

Here is the JSON response :

  "job_id": 1,
  "run_id": 1,
  "number_in_job": 1,
  "original_attempt_run_id": 1,
  "state": {
    "life_cycle_state": "INTERNAL_ERROR",
    "state_message": "Notebook not found: /Shared/"
  "task": {
    "notebook_task": {
      "notebook_path": "/Shared/"
  "cluster_spec": {
    "new_cluster": {
      "spark_version": "5.3.x-scala2.11",
      "node_type_id": "Standard_DS3_v2",
      "enable_elastic_disk": true,
      "num_workers": 2
  "start_time": 1570602949211,
  "setup_duration": 0,
  "execution_duration": 0,
  "cleanup_duration": 0,
  "trigger": "ONE_TIME",
  "creator_user_name": "",
  "run_name": "AzDO Execution",
  "run_page_url": "",
  "run_type": "JOB_RUN"