I had some data bricks notebooks which takes more than one hour for execution .
Earlier i was running them on Mircosoft hosted agents. But since the timeouts are as follow
Forever on self-hosted agents
For 360 minutes (6 hours) on Microsoft-hosted agents with a public project and public repository
while true; do
TimeNow=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if [ "$TimeNow" \> "$TimeEnd" ]; then
echo "It's time to finish."
echo "Not done yet, it's only $TimeNow"
sleep 10
This task ran for more 3 hours before i canceled it . which mean , the task for databricks Wait for Notebook execution does not respect the timeout policy .
Can you please help me set a higher timeout for this task so that i can continue to use this task and ADO for my execution
I had some data bricks notebooks which takes more than one hour for execution . Earlier i was running them on Mircosoft hosted agents. But since the timeouts are as follow
So i switched to Self hosted agents to avoid timeout . But still the issue did not resolve.
To verify , if the issue is with agent or with the task , i created a task with bash script for infinite loop , like below
TimeStart=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") TimeEnd=$(date -d "$TimeStart 2 hours" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") echo "Start Time: $TimeStart" echo "End Time: $TimeEnd"
while true; do TimeNow=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
This task ran for more 3 hours before i canceled it . which mean , the task for databricks Wait for Notebook execution does not respect the timeout policy . Can you please help me set a higher timeout for this task so that i can continue to use this task and ADO for my execution