microsoft / azure-boards-estimate

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Estimation Poker session | Session link is not working anymore #243

Closed jaquegpto closed 1 year ago

jaquegpto commented 1 year ago

Hello community!

During the last days we are having a recurrent issue with ADO. We use a lot the Estimation Poker extension – this way, we can generate specific sessions and share the respective URL with the team, so they can access and participate on it. However, we can’t access anymore the session by the URL. It's possible to access each session only from the Estimation Poker Tab and choosing the respective session. I know that maybe this issue seems to be too small, but actually is not good for the process in general. Each team member need to access the general page and look for the proper session - considering that we are more than ten people, the sum of the total time invested on it is not exactly productive.

In this example below, when I access the menu and the card and get the link, this is the one that is not working. If the user clicks directly in the name of the session, is possible to access.


Please, can you help us about it? Many thanks in advance!!

AminTi commented 1 year ago

Hi! This repo belongs to Estimate, not Estimate Poker.