microsoft / azure-boards-estimate

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Offline sessions do not reflect live team interactions, and may break for unknown reason #324

Open jessicadcrl opened 1 month ago

jessicadcrl commented 1 month ago


CONTEXT: Create an offline estimation session, and meet with team to discuss, review, and estimate work items live.

ACTION: Open the session, and your team members join you in the same session.

EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: The session header shows who is in the session live.

ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: The session header shows you as the lone attendee in the session, even though your teammates are also participating in the session.


CONTEXT: Create an offline estimation session, and meet with team to discuss, review, and estimate work items live.

ACTION: Click a work item that nobody has voted on yet, or only a few team members have voted on, and while viewing, more team members contribute votes, or existing votes are changed by team members.

EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: The vote cards on the work item appear and disappear live as team members cast, rescind, and recast their votes.

ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: The vote cards remain stagnant while you view the work item, and only update if you click on another work item in the session, and then click back to the voted on work item.

ISSUE #3 (unable to replicate)

CONTEXT: Create an offline estimation session, and meet with team to discuss, review, and estimate work items live.

ACTION: Once everyone has voted on a work item, click to flip the vote cards and reveal the team's votes.

EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: The vote cards are flipped and you are given the option to select a vote card to assign an estimate to the work item, or enter a different estimate than the team voted for.

ACTUAL BEHAVIOR: The screen goes blank apart from the ADO left navigation and header navigation panels.

AminTi commented 1 month ago

Hi, create an online session if you want to achieve this. " CONTEXT: Create an offline estimation session, and meet with team to discuss, review, and estimate work items live."

jessicadcrl commented 1 month ago

Hi, create an online session if you want to achieve this. " CONTEXT: Create an offline estimation session, and meet with team to discuss, review, and estimate work items live."

We need to be able to submit estimates on work items BEFORE a session, and then gather LIVE to discuss, ask questions, and flip the cards. It helps us come prepared and have more productive conversations.