microsoft / azure-container-apps

Roadmap and issues for Azure Container Apps
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Is it posssible to make the tcp idle timeout and and TCP Reset configurable for the Ingress? #1172

Open pengxo opened 1 month ago

pengxo commented 1 month ago

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Issue description

We have Spring Boot application and deployed as ACA Apps. On the client side, we just call the private dns name of the ACA App and have exceptions probably due to the fact that the connections is closed on the server side (ACA app) without notice. Similar to this issue, is it possible to make the idle timeout and TCP Reset configurable for the ingress? This is already possible in Azure Load Balancer. See

anthonychu commented 4 weeks ago


cachai2 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the feedback @pengxo. This isn't possible today, but we'll take idle timeouts and TCP reset configurations as feature requests and evaluate if we can get these added to the ingress proxy for ACA.

pengxo commented 2 weeks ago

@cachai2 Thanks for your reply! I notice that service resiliency policy is currently in preview for ACA ( Could you tell me when the feature will be GA for ACA?