microsoft / azure-container-apps

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Feature Request: [Dapr] Allow invocation of non-Dapr endpoints via HTTPEndpoint resource #1179

Open lewis-hu opened 1 month ago

lewis-hu commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Allow definition of HTTPEndpoint resource as defined here so that the container apps can invoke non-Dapr endpoints simply by declaratively defining them in Dapr as described here.


Service B being the non-Dapr endpoint.

Describe the solution you'd like. Ideally we should be able to add the HTTPEndpoint resource to Dapr components just like any other Dapr components.

Describe alternatives you've considered.
Currently we had to configure and handle external service invocations directly within the application code, along with all the configurations, per environment per app.

Additional context.
For most of our use cases it is inevitable to have to make calls to external endpoints so it would benefit many (and stay true to the Dapr promises) if they can be declaratively defined and shared among container apps in the Azure Container Environent.