microsoft / azure-container-apps

Roadmap and issues for Azure Container Apps
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Feature Request: Implement User Access Logging for Container Console in Azure Container Apps #1187

Open tsivachi opened 3 weeks ago

tsivachi commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The requested feature revolves around the absence of a feature within Azure Container Apps to log and track user access information, specifically for container console logins. This poses a challenge for applications that operate under certain compliance and regulatory requirements. Certain applications are mandated to record audit access to their environments, including tracking who logs in when they log in, and what actions they perform, especially when accessing containers with elevated privileges.

Describe the solution you'd like.
The audit feature should be integrated with Azure's existing diagnostic settings, allowing users to manage log configurations to capture user access information. The logs should capture details about user activities within the container console, including user identities, login timestamps, and executed commands if possible, ensuring that applications have access to data for auditing purposes.

Describe alternatives you've considered.
No alternatives are available as the environment is fully managed by Azure.

Additional context.