microsoft / azure-container-apps

Roadmap and issues for Azure Container Apps
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Feature Request: console access (exec) into a job #1194

Open leshik opened 2 weeks ago

leshik commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Would be nice to have console access to container apps jobs the same way as it exists now for regular apps.

Describe the solution you'd like.

Ideally az containerapp exec should allow entering into job containers. Now it returns ResourceNotFound error if a job name is specified.

Describe alternatives you've considered.

I need a working console into an application that is independent of existing apps. It's not a good pattern to exec into e.g. app server container to do some troubleshooting or debugging.

anthonychu commented 1 week ago

This isn't supported yet for jobs. We'll evaluate this as a new feature.