microsoft / azure-container-apps

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Revisions Keep Disappearing #1196

Open groogiam opened 2 weeks ago

groogiam commented 2 weeks ago

Please provide us with the following information:

This issue is a: (mark with an x)

Issue description

There appears to be a pretty severe bug in the container apps where revisions disappear bringing the app down. In the portal under Overview -> Properties it displays a deployed revision. However when I go to the Application -> Revisions nothing shows in the list. Clicking create new revision results in the page hanging while trying to load the Based on Revision dropdown. The app starts up but then a couple hours later just dies with service unavailable.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Deploy a container app via bicep script.
  2. Open deployed app in azure portal and go to Application -> Revisions and Replicas

Expected behavior [What you expected to happen.]

Revisions information should be visible in the portal. Application should stay deployed. I should be able to create a new revision from an existing.

Actual behavior [What actually happened.]

Entire portal appears to be hung. No revisions are shown. Container information also appears to be blank.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.




Additional context

Ex. Did this issue occur in the CLI or the Portal?

Appears to be a portal issue but the container app will not restart if it scales to 0.

groogiam commented 2 weeks ago

I am frequently getting errors like this in the portal when loading various blades.



anthonychu commented 2 weeks ago

@groogiam Can you please open a support ticket so we can investigate these problems you're seeing?

groogiam commented 2 weeks ago

@anthonychu I have opened a support ticket. The support team has not been very responsive even though this is a Severity A issue. If there is anything you can do to perhaps bump up the priority it would be much appreciated.

I have some additional details. I deployed an identical container app to the same environment using bicep and the same issue seems to manifest. I deleted the newly deployed container app and then deployed to a brand new container app environment and everything seems to work. This leads me to believe something broken in the container app environment.


anthonychu commented 2 weeks ago

@groogiam Can you please email the support ticket number, as well as the ids of the broken app and environment, to acasupport @ I’ll see what we can do to escalate it. Thanks.

groogiam commented 2 weeks ago

@anthonychu Just sent the email. Thanks for your help.