microsoft / azure-container-apps

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Image Pull Failures #1210

Open jason-berk-k1x opened 4 days ago

jason-berk-k1x commented 4 days ago

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Issue description

I have created via terraform a Container App Environment and Job. The job is given a managed identity which is then granted AcrPull rights and Key Vault rights. the same terraform is ran for two different jobs, each getting its own env and vault. All pull from the same ACR

one of my jobs works and can pull images from ACR. The other fails with authorization errors (after it said the pull was successful)

Expected behavior [What you expected to happen.]

job and pull images from ACR

Actual behavior [What actually happened.]

image pull fails


the job's managed identity is granted ACR pull right in my ACR:

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 5 21 10 PM

the identity assigned to the job shows it can pull from the ACR in the "global" sub:

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 5 19 42 PM

when I trigger a job run by putting a message in a queue, the pull fails:

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 5 18 29 PM

Additional context

my jobs are running in the "dev" sub, but the ACR lives in the "global" sub

jason-berk-k1x commented 4 days ago

seems related to: