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ContainerAppConsoleLogs_CL no longer parses JSON formatted stdout #938

Open tdkeeley opened 11 months ago

tdkeeley commented 11 months ago

Please provide us with the following information:

This issue is a: (mark with an x)

Issue description

If the payload being logged was in a JSON format, ContainerAppConsoleLogs_CL would parse it into dynamic columns. Log_s always included the JSON string, but if your payload was:

   "message":"some message",

I would see columns for:

Now I don't see any of that anymore. This is a typical payload. My JSON objects don't have more than 6 attributes.

I'm wondering:

  1. Why did it stop?
  2. Will parsing of JSON come back?

I have a number of Azure Monitor queries and alerts set up that depend on columns that no longer are being populated.

jan-drnek commented 11 months ago

Same problem on our side. We have Workbook based on these columns.

cransom12 commented 10 months ago

We are also having this issue.

For now with the Azure Monitor queries we are refactoring to use "parse_json", but this is still quite painful when it comes to log exploration, now that we can't easily use the drag-and-drop grouping for these columns.

sanchitmehta commented 10 months ago

We investigated this issue and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the recent changes in log parsing functionality within Azure Container Apps Log Analytics integration.

Why we made this change

There are a number of issues with dynamically generated columns based on JSON payloads in Log Analytics. This change addresses those issues and improves logging in general:

How to get columns from JSON data

Example JSON

Assuming Log_s that contains JSON formatted text like this:

"Log_message_s": "Example message",
"Log_level_s": "Information",
"Log_trace_id_g": "example-trace-id"

Query Example

Here's a basic example of how you might write a Kusto Query Language (KQL) query to parse the JSON data from that column (

| extend ParsedJSON = parse_json(Log_s)
| project 
LogMessage = ParsedJSON.Log_message_s,
LogLevel = ParsedJSON.Log_level_s,
LogTraceId = ParsedJSON.Log_trace_id_g

Next Steps:

razum90 commented 10 months ago

@sanchitmehta I appreciate that this change will improve performance for logging etc. But the fact is that this change is a breaking change. What about all teams that are dependent on the log format that you had before? Maybe they have built dashboards relying on the previous structure? Alerts? Won't work anymore.

What you should have done is to introduce a opt-in feature to get the logs in this new format. Not the other way around. This is not acceptable.

jan-peremsky commented 10 months ago

Just to support @razum90 - this issue is causing us real pain in our production systems. Logs are no longer intuitively searchable, our workbooks with predefined filters and links to the correlated traces in the Application Insights no longer work. Instead of being productive we are spending time on workarounds

sebastian-hans-swm commented 10 months ago

We, too, spent some hours investigating why our logs no longer worked – and then some more to fix our saved queries and dashboards depending on log messages. I support @razum90's appeal wholeheartedly.

sanchitmehta commented 10 months ago

First and foremost, we'd like to sincerely apologize for the recent changes in the log parsing functionality within Azure Container Apps Log Analytics integration that may have affected your experience. We recognize the importance of continued seamless integration for our users, and we regret the oversight in altering the default behavior without prior notification.

We are working on an emergency fix. Due to the nature of this issue, even rolling back to its original state will again be a breaking change for customers who have since implemented the workaround we posted. Hence, we are requesting customers who need to revert to the old behavior to reach out to us at acasupport(at)microsoft(dot)com so that we can apply a patch on your specific environments.

We are also working on a fix (after the emergency patching is done), to introduce a property on Container App Environments which makes this behavior configurable, under the name dynamicJsonColumns. Details of this feature will be shared once it is Generally Available. We will ensure environments which received the emergency patch will be automatically opted into the right values for this configuration property.

Thanks, Azure Container Apps Team

sebastian-hans-swm commented 10 months ago

Yesterday, in one of our subscriptions the behavior has reverted to the old one without us having requested this and without prior notice, breaking our log queries again.

JennyLawrance commented 10 months ago

@sebastian-hans-swm can you send your subscription id and environment name to acasupport(at)microsoft(dot)com. We will analyze and find out what happened.

sebastian-hans-swm commented 10 months ago

@JennyLawrance, I did that (on Nov, 2nd, subject: "Reverted log parsing behaviour") and did not receive feedback of any kind. 😞

jan-drnek commented 9 months ago

First and foremost, we'd like to sincerely apologize for the recent changes in the log parsing functionality within Azure Container Apps Log Analytics integration that may have affected your experience. We recognize the importance of continued seamless integration for our users, and we regret the oversight in altering the default behavior without prior notification.

We are working on an emergency fix. Due to the nature of this issue, even rolling back to its original state will again be a breaking change for customers who have since implemented the workaround we posted. Hence, we are requesting customers who need to revert to the old behavior to reach out to us at acasupport(at)microsoft(dot)com so that we can apply a patch on your specific environments.

We are also working on a fix (after the emergency patching is done), to introduce a property on Container App Environments which makes this behavior configurable, under the name dynamicJsonColumns. Details of this feature will be shared once it is Generally Available. We will ensure environments which received the emergency patch will be automatically opted into the right values for this configuration property.

Thanks, Azure Container Apps Team

Is there any release date of this configuration?

howang-ms commented 9 months ago

Updates on JSON log parsing behavior

Recently, Azure Container Apps Environments introduced a new property called DynamicJsonColumns to control the logging behavior for JSON formatted logs in Azure Log Analytics.

When set to false, logs will be stored in the Log column as raw string regardless of format. When set to true, JSON formatted logs will automatically be split into dynamic columns in Log Analytics based on the property name of the JSON object, and the Log column will be empty.

For example, if DynamicJsonColumns = true, and your log content is:

      "message":"hello world message",

You will see the following columns in Log Analytics:

Log_timestamp_s = 2023-11-15T22:00:00Z
Log_logger_s = my.json.logger
Log_content_message_s = hello world message
Log_content_level_s = info

How to change the DynamicJsonColumns property

By default, DynamicJsonColumns is false. If you were one of the customers who requested the Product team to revert the JSON parsing changes prior to the introduction of the DynamicJsonColumns property, then your environment will have DynamicJsonColumns set to true with no further action required.

The DynamicJsonColumns property can be changed through an ARM request or with the Azure CLI.

To change the DynamicJsonColumns through the Azure CLI, you must have the containerapp extension installed with version 0.3.44 or above. Please run az version to check the current version, and az upgrade to upgrade the CLI to the latest version if necessary.

  "extensions": {
    "containerapp": "0.3.44",  << Make sure your containerapp extension is in 0.3.44 or above.

To enable or disable the DynamicJsonColumns on an existing Container App Environment, you can run the following command:

az containerapp env update --subscription <subscription> --resource-group <resource_group> --name <containerapp-env-name> --logs-dynamic-json-columns true/false

To change the DynamicJsonColumns using ARM, simply set the property on the Container App Environment resource as shown here:

    "id": "<resource id>",
    "name": "<name>",
    "type": "Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments",
    "location": "West US",
    "properties": {
        "appLogsConfiguration": {
            "destination": "log-analytics",
            "logAnalyticsConfiguration": {
                "customerId": "<log-analytics-customer-id>",
                "sharedKey": "<log-analytics-key>",
                "dynamicJsonColumns": true


We are continuously taking steps to improve the service and our processes to ensure such incidents do not occur in the future.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


The Microsoft Azure Team

random42 commented 9 months ago

I like writing queries using dot path to access my log data (therefore using parse_json), however:

The function parse_json triggers full parsing of this text which might consume extensive compute resources when original string is large and volume of records is high.

Is there a way NOT to use the DynamicJsonColumns option but still having my Log_s parsed by default as a dynamic column (like Log_json or something)? Or is it exactly the same as adding a parse_json in every query?

howang-ms commented 8 months ago

Hi @random42, there is no way to achieve what you want. You should use either:

  1. Set DynamicJsonColumns to split the JSON to columns in LA
  2. Or use the parse_json to split the JSON during the query time.
joergjo commented 8 months ago


The DynamicJsonColumns for the Consumption workload in the Consumption + Dedicated environment doesn't support today.

I’m not sure what you mean by that. Can you elaborate?

I've tested dynamicJsonColumns: true for all workload profile combinations, but neither produces structured logs given a sample log line like this:

{"hostname":"MacBook-Pro-M2.lan","level":"info","msg":"Listening on :8000","time":"2023-12-28T15:01:41+01:00"}

Am I missing something?

howang-ms commented 8 months ago

@joergjo, what I mean is:

Consumption profile on Consumption + Dedicated tier: Log_s contains the JSON log output written by Container App, so nothing has changed.

This is expected for today. And we are working on the support now, which should be deployed very soon.

But another two scenarios are not expected. You should see new columns like Log_hostname_s in your LA. Can you double check by query the Log_hostname_s column directly? Sometimes the LA will hide the column from default view if you have lot of logs don't have this column. If it still doesn't work, please send your container app env FQDN to acasupport at microsoft dot com. So we can double check.

joergjo commented 8 months ago


I know what you mean, but unfortunately no. See below.


I'll ping the support DL.

joergjo commented 8 months ago

Big thanks to the ACA team for getting to the bottom of this. The keyword here is patience - it does take some time before the columns show up 😁.

danowensdev commented 6 months ago

Hi @howang-ms, is there an update as to whether the Consumption profile on Consumption + Dedicated tier is supported/when this will be supported?

takekazuomi commented 5 months ago

In my project, I use a structured logger, but when I output logs in JSON format, I have trouble reaching the maximum number of columns, and no logs are recorded. so I had no choice but to output logs in text format. It's so bad. Now I found this Issue. I hope this method will resolve your issue. I will try this, thanks team.