microsoft / azure-devops-extension-sdk

Client SDK for developing Azure DevOps extensions
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Dashboard widget (ms.vss-dashboards-web.widget) error - No handler found on any channel for message #17

Closed ryanjones closed 4 years ago

ryanjones commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to build a simple dashboard widget and I can't seem to get it working. I believe there's an issue with the library and how it registers dashboard widgets. Here's the code:


import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { getAccessToken } from "azure-devops-extension-sdk";
import * as SDK from "azure-devops-extension-sdk";

interface IChartState {
  token: string;
  context: string;

class TestWidget extends React.Component<{}, IChartState> {
  constructor(props: {}) {
    this.state = {
      token: "",
      context: ""


  public componentDidMount() {

  public render(): JSX.Element {
    return <h1>I like waffles - asdf</h1>;

  getToken = async (): Promise<void> => {
    const token = await getAccessToken();
    this.setState({ token: token });

ReactDOM.render(<TestWidget />, document.getElementById("root"));


  "manifestVersion": 1,
  "version": "1.0.57",
  "name": "Fake widget",
  "description": "Fake widget",
  "publisher": "Ryan",
  "categories": ["Azure Repos"],
  "targets": [
      "id": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services"
  "content": {
    "details": {
      "path": ""
  "icons": {
    "default": "img/world.png"
  "files": [
      "path": "dist",
      "addressable": true
      "path": "img",
      "addressable": true
  "contributions": [
      "id": "hello-world-hub-group",
      "type": "ms.vss-web.hub-group",
      "description": "Sample hub group",
      "targets": ["ms.vss-web.project-hub-groups-collection"],
      "properties": {
        "name": "Hello World!",
        "icon": {
          "dark": "img/world.png",
          "light": "img/world.png"
      "id": "default-hub",
      "type": "ms.vss-web.hub",
      "targets": [".hello-world-hub-group"],
      "properties": {
        "uri": "dist/hub/hub.html"
      "id": "test-widget",
      "type": "ms.vss-dashboards-web.widget",
      "targets": ["ms.vss-dashboards-web.widget-catalog"],
      "properties": {
        "name": "AAA Test widget",
        "description": "AAA My Test",
        "catalogIconUrl": "img/logo.png",
        "previewImageUrl": "img/preview.png",
        "uri": "dist/test-widget/test-widget.html",
        "supportedSizes": [
            "rowSpan": 2,
            "columnSpan": 2
        "supportedScopes": ["project_team"]
  "scopes": [""]

I end up with this error in the console: No handler found on any channel for message: {"id":1,"methodName":"","instanceId":"test-widget","params":null,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}

I suspect the handshake between my code and iframe isn't working correctly. I remember getting this handler error if you haven't registered your plugin (or you didn't use the right naming in vss-extension.json).

I continually get this image. image

If I inspect the DOM the code shows up correctly, and I can even mount my component and print out the access token to console.

I flipped over to the old way to see if registering works correctly and it does. This code works, however I want to use the new SDK.

    <script src="lib/VSS.SDK.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        explicitNotifyLoaded: true,
        usePlatformStyles: true

        function(WidgetHelpers, TFS_Wit_WebApi, VSS_Service) {
          VSS.register("test-widget", function() {
            var projectId = VSS.getWebContext();

            return {
              load: function(widgetSettings) {
                return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Success();
              reload: function(widgetSettings) {
                return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Success();

I think that I've tried every combination of SDK.init() SDK.register() and setting SDK.init({loaded: false}) and calling SDK.notifyLoadSucceeded();

I'm currently splunking through, however I believe there's an issue within this library somewhere (for dashboard widgets at least).

I can actually hide the "Widget failed to load" by loading in the old SDK, registering the extension, and then use my React code behind it. But i know this is going to cause problems down the road when I want to build out and hook up the configuration panel.

I've been able to load the extensions here: without problems. Such as a hub widget. This seems to be just specific to dashboard widgets.

I'm currently running this: / - It works great for the hub widget that's in the project (no handler errors), however once I try and build a dashboard widget it throws the handler errors.

If someone is able to provide an example of this working with a dashboard widget (ms.vss-dashboards-web.widget) and preferably a config (ms.vss-dashboards-web.widget-configuration) you can hit birds with 1 stone, this issue, and this one in the sample repo:

ryanjones commented 4 years ago

Adding HTML for brevity:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">

    <div id="root"></div>
just-joshing commented 4 years ago

Hello @ryanjones

Unfortunately using the old SDK is the only way you can author widgets at the moment.

The good news is that we are currently investigating adding support for developing them using the new SDK, however I don't have any dates to share right now. But this is definitely on our radar.

ryanjones commented 4 years ago

Hi @JllyGrnGiant - Thanks for following up. I'll continue with the old SDK.

dannyBies commented 4 years ago

@just-joshing Do you know if this is still on the backlog?

bworline commented 4 years ago

@ryanjones This worked for me:

  public async componentDidMount() {
    SDK.init({ loaded: false });
    SDK.register('...your widget id here...', { preload:..., load: ..., reload:..., ... });
    await this.makeSomeApiCallsAndLoadContent();

Where that object definition is from the old VSS SDK. Look for IWidget or IConfigurableWidget and copy the definition from the .d.ts into your project.

See a more complete solution in my March 31 comment in issue #22.

yunsii commented 3 years ago

@bworline Thanks, it works after refer to your comments. Here is my solution:

import * as React from 'react';
import * as SDK from 'azure-devops-extension-sdk';

import render from '../../utils/render';

const Contribution: React.FC = () => {
  React.useEffect(() => {
    SDK.init({ loaded: false });
    SDK.register('hello-world', {
      preload: (widgetSettings: WidgetSettings) => {
        return {
          state: 'ok',
          statusType: 0,
      load: (widgetSettings: WidgetSettings) => {
        return {
          state: 'ok',
          statusType: 0,
      reload: (newWidgetSettings: WidgetSettings) => {
        return {
          state: 'ok',
          statusType: 0,
  }, []);

  return <h2>Hello World</h2>;

render(<Contribution />);

Types here: , and below is specific content:

// This file is required for Widget support in azure-devops-extension-sdk
// Everything in this file was copied from vss-web-extension-sdk because it's MISSING from azure-devops-extension-sdk
// Most of it is typings from tfs.d.ts and vss.d.ts, and there is a wee bit of implementation from vss.sdk.js (WidgetStatusHelper, WidgetConfigurationSave, ConfigurationEvent)

 * A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its then method,
 * which registers callbacks to receive either a promise’s eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
export interface IPromise<T> {
   * Compatible with A+ promises and Q promises
  then<TResult1 = T>(
    onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null,
    onrejected?: ((reason: any) => any | PromiseLike<any>) | undefined | null,
    onProgress?: (progress: any) => any
  ): PromiseLike<TResult1>;
 * Interface for the object passed to the host when user clicks on the Save button in the configuration pane
export interface SaveStatus {
   * The custom settings to save
  customSettings?: CustomSettings;
   * Indicates validity of the customSettings. If false, then user will be shown a generic error message and settings will not be saved.
  isValid: boolean;
 * Size of lightbox to draw widget in
export interface Size {
   * width in pixels
  width: number;
   * height in pixels
  height: number;
 * versioning for an artifact as described at:, of the form major.minor.patch.
export interface SemanticVersion {
   * Major version when you make incompatible API changes
  major: number;
   * Minor version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
  minor: number;
   * Patch version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes
  patch: number;
 * settings of the widget that encapsulate their serialized data and version support.
export interface CustomSettings {
   * the settings data serialized as a string.
  data: string;
   * (Optional) version for the settings represented as a semantic version object.
   * If none is available, the version defaults to {major:1, minor:0, patch:0} or "1.0.0"
  version?: SemanticVersion;
 * data contract required for the widget to function in a webaccess area or page.
export enum WidgetScope {
  Collection_User = 0,
  Project_Team = 1,
export interface WidgetSize {
   * The Width of the widget, expressed in dashboard grid columns.
  columnSpan: number;
   * The height of the widget, expressed in dashboard grid rows.
  rowSpan: number;
 * Lightbox configuration
export interface LightboxOptions {
   * Height of desired lightbox, in pixels
  height: number;
   * True to allow lightbox resizing, false to disallow lightbox resizing, defaults to false.
  resizable: boolean;
   * Width of desired lightbox, in pixels
  width: number;
 * A description of widget state, satisfying requirements for rendering a widget (Does not contain grid centric information, or contribution metadata).
export interface WidgetSettings {
   * size of the widget (in case of configuration, this maps to the size sub section in the general section of the configuration panel)
  size: WidgetSize;
   * name of the widget (in case of configuration, this maps to the name sub section in the general section of the configuration panel)
  name: string;
   * settings of the widget
  customSettings: CustomSettings;
   * Lightbox options
  lightboxOptions?: LightboxOptions;
 * Used to differentiate between widget status helpers
export enum WidgetStatusType {
   * The widget loaded successfully
  Success = 0,
   * The widget failed to load
  Failure = 1,
   * The widget needs to be configured
  Unconfigured = 2,
 * The object encapsulating the result for an IWidget/IConfigurableWidget method call. This object is created using the WidgetStatusHelper library.
export interface WidgetStatus {
   * the rendered state of the widget serialized to a string.
  state?: string;
   * Used to determine which widget status helper was called
  statusType?: WidgetStatusType;

export class WidgetStatusHelper {
   * method to encapsulate a successful result for a widget loading operation (load, reload, openLightbox etc)
   * @param state any state information to be passed to the initiator of the loading call.
   * @param title title for the lightbox of a widget when available.
   * @returns promise encapsulating the status of the widget loading operations.
  static Success(state?: string): IPromise<WidgetStatus> {
    return Promise.resolve({ state, statusType: WidgetStatusType.Success });

   * method to encapsulate a failed result for a widget loading operation (load, reload, openLightbox etc)
   * @param message message to display as part within the widget error experience.
   * @param isUserVisible indicates whether the message should be displayed to the user or a generic error message displayed. Defaults to true.
   * @param isRichText indicates whether the message is an html that can be rendered as a rich experience. Defaults to false. Only trusted extensions are
   * allowed to set this to true. For any 3rd party widgets passing this value as true, it will be ignored.
   * @returns promise encapsulating the status of the widget loading operations.
  static Failure(
    message: string,
    isUserVisible?: boolean,
    isRichText?: boolean
  ): IPromise<WidgetStatus> {
    isUserVisible = isUserVisible === undefined ? true : isUserVisible;
    isRichText = isRichText === undefined ? false : isRichText;
    return Promise.reject({ message, isRichText, isUserVisible });

   * method to encapsulate a result for a widget loading operation that results in the widget being in an unconfigured state.
   * @returns promise encapsulating the status of the widget loading operations.
  static Unconfigured(): IPromise<WidgetStatus> {
    return Promise.resolve({ statusType: WidgetStatusType.Unconfigured });

export class WidgetConfigurationSave {
   * method to encapsulate a valid state that is returned by the widget configuration
   * @param customSettings settings from the widget configuration to be returned as part of this state.
   * @returns promise encapsulating the state being returned.
  static Valid(customSettings: CustomSettings): IPromise<SaveStatus> {
    return Promise.resolve({ customSettings, isValid: true });

   * method to encapsulate an invalid state that is returned by the widget configuration
   * @returns promise encapsulating the state being returned.
  static Invalid(): IPromise<SaveStatus> {
    return Promise.reject({ isValid: false });

 * Arguments associated with an event being passed by a widget or configurations.
export interface EventArgs<T> {
   * Data relevant to the event.
  data: T;
 * Interface for the object passed to the widget configuration to communicate with its host.
export interface IWidgetConfigurationContext {
   * The widget configuration calls this method when it wants to notify any of the WidgetEvents to the host
   * @param {string} type of event
   * @param {eventArgs} arguments associated with the event which comes from the widget configuration.
   * @returns a promise with the result of the notification. If arguments are malformed, the promise will be rejected. If multiple notifications are made for the same event
   * only the promise for the latest notification is resolved and the rest are treated as stale. The subscriber of the notification can send back information in a serialized form.
  notify: <T>(event: string, eventArgs: EventArgs<T>) => IPromise<NotifyResult>;
export class ConfigurationEvent {
   * Configuration has changed. When this event is notified, the preview is updated and Save button is enabled.
   * The payload expected when notifying this event: { data: customSettings }
   * {customSettings} is the serialized custom config settings pertaining to the widget.
  static ConfigurationChange: string = "ms.vss-dashboards-web.configurationChange";
   * Configuration tries to execute API calls and fails. When this event is notified, the config does not render a view and we pass an error message to the configuration host.
   * The payload expected when notifying this event: { data: string }
   * {string} is the error message that is displayed at the top of the configuration.
  static ConfigurationError: string = "ms.vss-dashboards-web.configurationError";
   * Widget configuration general settings changed. When this event is notified, the widget name or widget size is updated.
   * The payload expected when notifying this event: { data: { IGeneralSettings } }
   * {generalSettings} is the serialized object containing WidgetName and WidgetSize
  static GeneralSettingsChanged: string = "ms.vss-dashboards-web.generalSettingsChanged";
   * @param payload the event arguments we pass when we want to notify the configuration.
  static Args<T>(payload: T): EventArgs<T> {
    return { data: payload };
 * All widgets implement this interface
export interface IWidget {
  /** widgets use the settings provided along with the any cached data they may have to paint an interactive state. No network calls should be made by the widget.
   *  @param {WidgetSettings} settings of the widget as available when the widget render is called by the host.
   *  @returns object wrapped in a promise that encapsulates the success of this operation.
   *          when this calls are completed and the experience is done loading.
  preload: (widgetSettings: WidgetSettings) => IPromise<WidgetStatus>;
   *  Widgets use the settings provided as well as server side calls to complete their rendering experience.
   *  In the future, widgets are expected to provide a loading experience while the calls are being waited to be completed.
   *  Until then, the widget host will provide the loading experience
   *  @param {WidgetSettings} settings of the widget as available when the widget render is called by the host.
   *  @returns object wrapped in a promise that encapsulates the success of this operation.
   *          when this calls are completed and the experience is done loading.
  load: (widgetSettings: WidgetSettings) => IPromise<WidgetStatus>;
   * Widgets manage any operations that are not necessary for initial load but are required for the full widget experience.
  onDashboardLoaded?: () => void;
   * The framework calls this method to determine if the widget should be disabled for users with stakeholder license
   * @param {WidgetSettings} settings of the widget as available when the widget render is called by the host.
   * @returns A boolean wrapped in a promise that determines if the widget should be disabled for users with stakeholder license
  disableWidgetForStakeholders?: (widgetSettings: WidgetSettings) => IPromise<boolean>;
   *  Run widget in lightboxed mode
   *  @param {WidgetSettings} settings of the widget as available when the widget render is called by the host.
   *  @param {LightboxSize} size of the lightbox
   *  @returns object wrapped in a promise that encapsulates the success of this operation.
   *          when this calls are completed and the experience is done loading.
  lightbox?: (widgetSettings: WidgetSettings, lightboxSize: Size) => IPromise<WidgetStatus>;
   *  Listen to message from host
   * @param {string} type of event
   * @param {eventArgs} arguments associated with the event.
  listen?: <T>(event: string, eventArgs: EventArgs<T>) => void;
 * Configurable widgets implement this interface
export interface IConfigurableWidget extends IWidget {
   *  When the configuration view is changed, the widget is expected to update its view.
   *  @param {WidgetSettings} the latest widget settings as available from the configuration view for the widget.
   *  @returns object wrapped in a promise that encapsulates the success of this operation.
  reload: (newWidgetSettings: WidgetSettings) => IPromise<WidgetStatus>;
 * Widget authors implement this interface for their configuration.
export interface IWidgetConfiguration {
   *  Called by the host to setup the widget configuration, which uses the settings shared with the widget to complete its rendering experience.
   *  @param {WidgetSettings} settings of the widget as shared with the configuration.
   *  @param {IWidgetConfigurationContext} widgetConfigurationContext provided by the host of the widget configuration to allow for communication.
   *  @returns object wrapped in a promise that encapsulates the success of this operation.
   *           If load fails, returns error message via WidgetStatusHelper.Failure(errorMessage).
  load: (
    widgetSettings: WidgetSettings,
    widgetConfigurationContext: IWidgetConfigurationContext
  ) => IPromise<WidgetStatus>;
   * Called by the host when the user clicks on the Save button.
   * Widget author is expected to run validations if needed.
   * If ready to save, then use WidgetHelpers.WidgetConfigurationSave.Valid() to return the serialized custom settings of the widget from the configuraton.
   * If custom settings are not valid and so not ready to save, then  use WidgetHelpers.WidgetConfigurationSave.Invalid() to notify the host to stop save.
   * @returns object of type SaveStatus wrapped in a promise.
  onSave: () => IPromise<SaveStatus>;
   * (Optional) Called by the host when the configuration is ready to be saved (when the user clicks the save button on the configuration panel)
  onSaveComplete?: () => void;
   *  Listen to message from host
   * @param {string} type of event
   * @param {eventArgs} arguments associated with the event.
  listen?: <T>(event: string, eventArgs: EventArgs<T>) => void;
 * The result of a notification being made by a widget configuration.
export interface NotifyResult {
   * Gets a response from the subscriber of the notification, if they provide one as part of the schema for the event.
   * @returns A promise with the data representing the return payload serialized as a string.
  getResponse(): IPromise<string>;
yunsii commented 3 years ago

It's awkward that noway to get WidgetHelpers... But widget configuration is common.

yunsii commented 3 years ago

Ok, I'm tired. Decide to use old sdk to develop dashboard widget, new sdk to others extension _(:3J∠)_

bworline commented 5 months ago

The widget interface types have now been added to azure-devops-extension-api; see this comment: