microsoft / azure-devops-intellij

IntelliJ IDEA plug-in for Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server (TFS)
MIT License
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Organizations (repositories) are not available #278

Open sarzijan opened 4 years ago

sarzijan commented 4 years ago


We are using our company account for AzureDevOps. We are assigned to multiple projects within multiple organizations (customers AOD). When we sign in to JetBrains Rider AOD plugin, we don't see all organizations where we are assigned, but only our organization (from our company) with its repositories. Ho we can checkout source codes from other AODs? We are using a workaround with Team Foundation Server, but it is annoying to fill multiple addresses there. Is it a problem with Microsoft or AOD settings of our customers?


ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

Hello. Could you please describe the set-up in more details? How is your account given the access to these other organizations?

There's probably a similar report: #239. We do really miss some authentication options, and there're plans to support them eventually.

But from your report, I assume that you're able to authenticate, but then miss some of the organiations you're member of?

I'd like to reproduce that, but to do that, I need more information about these Azure DevOps organizations and how's your membership organized.


sarzijan commented 4 years ago

Hello, exactly as you wrote. I am able to authenticate, but not all organizations are visible (only organization of our company). I am using user and password authentication (no device flow).

The organizations are created by our customers and they just added our subscription emails as members of these organizations. Should we check any other settings in their ADO?

Thanks for answer

ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

Could you please give examples of your subscription email and Azure DevOps organization domain your customers use? In case it's not acceptable to share this information publicly, please send me a email to [REDACTED]

ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

In the meantime, could you please check if the full organization list will show up in the Visual Studio?

ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

It is also important which VCS do you use (they work differently in regard to these organizations): TFVC or Git?

sarzijan commented 4 years ago

Hello, checked and Visual Studio is working well. we are using AzureDevops Git

cr8or1 commented 4 years ago

Any update regarding this issue?

ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

@cr8or1, could you please describe your situation in as many details as possible? In discussion with @sarzijan I came to conslusion that Azure DevOps server tells they're only members of 2 organizations (while there should be more), and I'm unsure what to do next. If there would be any steps to reproduce the issue for my account, it would help.

cr8or1 commented 4 years ago

From what I saw I can see my repositories that are under, but if i am added as a team member on other organisations like: then I won't see that repository. The only way to make this work is to use normal git url to clone that repository on my localhost and it is working, but I won't be able to use this plugin.

ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

Is that other organization in any way different from your own? Are there any kind of group organizations or something like that? What kind of membership are you applied for?

We have surely conducted experiments with adding each other into our accounts' organizations in our QA department, but it seems to always work for us. So, if invites as a member of user1 organization, it works.

Most likely, we're missing some crucial detail, but what could it be?

cr8or1 commented 4 years ago

I am in 2 other organisations beside the one of my user. The other 2 are private, maybe this is the cause?

ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

What's a "private organization", and how is it different from a "public" one? I've checked my organization settings (I'm owner/member of multiple ones) and haven't found any setting to change organization publicity, or make a new one as private.

cr8or1 commented 4 years ago

the project is private. The organisation is normal. If you want to start talking in private skype/discord/slack to show you images etc let me know

ForNeVeR commented 4 years ago

@cr8or1, alright, could you please drop me a email to [REDACTED]

andrelindner commented 3 years ago

That sounds like a problem with the access rights in Github. In the settings ( -> applications, you can give the IDEs access rights to organizations, maybe these are missing in the external organizations. I had the same problem and therefore could not see my organizations/repositories.

sarvasana commented 2 years ago

Are your organizations accessible by the mouse over dialog described in the below issue?
For me that mouse over dialog always disspears when moving the mouse, but it does depict a "Show all my organizations..." hyperlink.

Maybe that does work for you?