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Error Authenticating to GCP in TerraformTaskV1 #795

Open dvmorris opened 4 years ago

dvmorris commented 4 years ago

I am able to use TerraformTaskV1 with a GCP Service Connection successfully, but when I also have a set of gcloud commands in my pipeline that also establishes an authenticated connection to GCP, the TerraformTaskV1 no longer authenticates in subsequent build tasks.

Download Secure File (GCP Service Account JSON Key File)

bash Task Step

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/home/vsts/work/_temp/service-account-key.json

Terraform Task Output

2020-03-26T19:06:35.4968455Z [command]/opt/hostedtoolcache/terraform/0.12.23/x64/terraform validate
2020-03-26T19:06:36.2344747Z Success! The configuration is valid.
2020-03-26T19:06:36.2454409Z [command]/opt/hostedtoolcache/terraform/0.12.23/x64/terraform apply -auto-approve tfplan
2020-03-26T19:06:36.2774259Z Error: Error parsing credentials '/home/vsts/work/r1/a/credentials-8aad8d24-69bd-48f0-b588-39275a8a8361.json': invalid character '/' looking for beginning of value
2020-03-26T19:06:36.2868375Z ##[error]Error: The process '/opt/hostedtoolcache/terraform/0.12.23/x64/terraform' failed with exit code 1

To reiterate, the TerraformTaskV1 works fine when I don't have any bash scripts that called gcloud auth activate-service-account ..., and it only stops working when I add in this step before the TerraformTaskV1 task.

Somehow the service account key file that is generated in this code:

is corrupted somehow by the introduction of this gcloud authentication step.

Romiko commented 3 years ago


I am having the same problem. I am using multistage pipelines and the second time I run init it fails.

Terraform init works in my validate step. When I try run init again in the plan step it fails with the same errors.

` Starting: Terraform initialize

Task : Terraform Description : Execute terraform commands to manage resources on AzureRM, Amazon Web Services(AWS) and Google Cloud Platform(GCP) Version : 0.0.142 Author : Microsoft Corporation Help : Learn more about this task

/usr/local/bin/terraform init -backend-config=bucket=terraform_state -backend-config=prefix=dev -backend-config=credentials=/home/vsts/work/1/s/credentials-cfa5ddfd-8e2c-40bc-80b2-905615f69578.json Initializing modules...

Initializing the backend... Backend configuration changed!

Terraform has detected that the configuration specified for the backend has changed. Terraform will now check for existing state in the backends.

Error: Error parsing credentials '/home/vsts/work/1/s/credentials-cfa5ddfd-8e2c-40bc-80b2-905615f69578..json': invalid character '/' looking for beginning of value

[error]Error: The process '/usr/local/bin/terraform' failed with exit code 1

Finishing: Terraform initialize `

This is the structure of the pipeline.

` trigger: batch: true branches: include:


So the step/action validate works. But when the subpipeline gets called (terraform-plan.yaml), it fails.

` parameters:


terraform-action.yaml ` parameters:


Romiko commented 3 years ago

I can get it working if I remove multi-stage pipelines. Is it possible you can check if this extension is compatible with multistage pipelines? I think when you run multiple terraform inits, the terraform detects a backend change and wants to reinit and then cannot read the credential file.

So multistage pipelines seems to cause this.