microsoft / azure-pipelines-terraform

Azure Pipelines tasks for installing Terraform and running Terraform commands in a build or release pipeline.
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"expected value of source_id to not contain any uppercase letter" When standing Up IoThub #187

Closed rruenroeng closed 9 months ago

rruenroeng commented 9 months ago

Hi there,

I have a terraform configuration that stands up an iothub resource. It's throwing the above error, but because the dependent resources are using Terraform to stand up the resource and its dependencies I don't understand how to prevent this error.

Here's its slice of state:

"module": "module.monitoring", "mode": "managed", "type": "azurerm_iot_time_series_insights_event_source_iothub", "name": "res-794", "provider": "provider[\"\"].stage", "instances": [ { "schema_version": 0, "attributes": { "consumer_group_name": "devicetelemetry-consumergroup", "environment_id": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionidwithnocapitals>/resourceGroups/gspiot-instiot-rg-s-use2-00/providers/Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/gspiot-insttsi-timenv-s-use2-00", "event_source_resource_id": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionidwithnocapitals>/resourceGroups/gspiot-instiot-rg-s-use2-00/providers/Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/gspiot-instiothub-prodiot-s-use2-00", "id": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionidwithnocapitals>/resourceGroups/gspiot-instiot-rg-s-use2-00/providers/Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/gspiot-insttsi-timenv-s-use2-00/eventSources/gspiot-ehubeventsource-timene-s-use2-00",

When dependent resources call on this resource, they are throwing the following error: "Error: expected value of source_id to not contain any uppercase letter"`

resource "azurerm_application_insights_workbook" "res-1322" { Yadda yadda source_id = Yadda yadda } }

rruenroeng commented 9 months ago


The source_id should be the name of the resource and not the id of the resource. Fixing the property that was being used on res.794 cleared things right up.