microsoft / azure-spring-boot

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Documentation for Spring Stateless Minimal Example #966

Closed deklaer closed 3 months ago

deklaer commented 11 months ago

Please provide a documentation like how to create a simple stateless! spring boot application using your libary. This was a good start. But I've tried several mechanisms and always ended up using a stateful application with a session. In spring 3.x I would add this line

http.sessionManagement { sessionManagement: SessionManagementConfigurer<HttpSecurity?> -> sessionManagement.sessionCreationPolicy( SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS ) } And then set 'session-stateless: on' in my application.yml. But the system always tells me "too many redirects" even if the URL is correct. So I found it very hard without any nice examples of '' to understand what would be a minimal example. If I can run this example - I have a starting point.

Netyyyy commented 11 months ago

Hi @deklaer , could you try with this sample?

Netyyyy commented 3 months ago

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