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[IntelliJ][ESP]Livy interactive console fails #3985

Closed jingyanjingyan closed 4 years ago

jingyanjingyan commented 4 years ago

Build: Both bundle and only, on windows. ideaIC-bundle-win-x64-2019.2.4.develop.11507847.02-14-2020

Repro Steps:

  1. Signin omid account
  2. Link a ESPHIB cluster, create a config with the ESPHIB cluster
  3. Start livy interactive console

Result: Fails Start Spark Livy Interactive Session Console in cluster Can't start Livy interactive session: {"Code":"ServiceUnavailable","Message":"Error while authenticating the request. Please try again after some time.","CorrelationId":"97320d5910644d639d7f10f840811b66","ResponseTimestamp":"2020-02-14T07:20:19.8052113Z"}

wezhang commented 4 years ago

May dup #3965