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UX customization. Where it's done? #285

Open rimvel opened 5 months ago

rimvel commented 5 months ago

Where do i edit small ux elements like color, bot name, font size?

therightjon commented 5 months ago

Mostly src/features/...

vagnit commented 5 months ago

I can provide you with the changes that I have made so far:

  1. Bot name: src/features/theme/customise.ts
  2. Favicon: src/public/favicon.ico
  3. Main icon and the one at top left: src/public/ai-icon.png
  4. Background and other colors: src/app/global.css

In order to change the colors, you will need to read a bit about tailwind css. A quick example is to change the main color from green to blue in the light theme. To do this you can change the line including primary from: --primary: 170 90% 29%; to: --primary: 210 90% 29%;

210: This is the Hue 90%: This is the Saturation 29%: This is the Lightness

KeysAU commented 4 months ago

thank you @vagnit for the info