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Impossible to deploy the App #340

Closed jrmgodefroyRSS closed 4 months ago

jrmgodefroyRSS commented 4 months ago


I have started from scratch and follow the documentation. The creation of ressource group on my Azure subscription working well. I have fork the project on my Github et launch the deployment scripts :

_``` Run azure/CLI@v1 with: inlineScript: rg=$(az webapp list --query "[?name==''].resourceGroup" --output tsv) echo Setting SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=false on app service az webapp config appsettings set -n -g $rg --settings SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=false -o none echo Setting --startup-file=\"node server.js\" on app service az webapp config set --startup-file="node server.js" -n *** -g $rg -o none sleep 10

azcliversion: agentazcliversion

Starting script execution via docker image Setting SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=false on app service ***

ERROR: argument --resource-group/-g: expected one argument

Examples from AI knowledge base: az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyUniqueApp --settings WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION=6.9.1 Set the default NodeJS version to 6.9.1 for a web app. Read more about the command in reference docs Error: Error: az cli script failed. cleaning up container... MICROSOFT_AZURE_CLI_170894[3] Error: az cli script failed.

Somebody else have already have this error ? It's look like it don't find the ressource group name to deploy

Thanks for your help
jrmgodefroyRSS commented 4 months ago

it's ok it was an error on my side

CyberMaciej commented 2 months ago

what was the problem?

pwine123 commented 2 months ago

I had the same error and I resolved it by manually typing in the value for the secret AZURE_APP_SERVICE_NAME. Due to some reason copy paste into the secret value was causing the error.