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Configuring search extension before deployment #368

Open mads-oestergaard opened 2 months ago

mads-oestergaard commented 2 months ago


I would like to configure the bing search extension globally on my deployment of azurechat. Is that possible? I couldn't find any information on it in the docs.


bwitzig-zen commented 2 months ago

Make sure you are logged in with the user account that is set as the "admin" for your instance then you should see the publish option to allow everyone to see it :).

mads-oestergaard commented 2 months ago

Thanks, that worked like a charm!

AbasBicep commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for necroing, but how did you specifically do this? 😊

bwitzig-zen commented 3 weeks ago

@AbasBicep what part specifically are you stuck at?

AbasBicep commented 3 weeks ago

@bwitzig-zen Did not understand the "logged in with the user account that is set as the admin for your instance"

Could you please explain where specifically I need to be admin? I am using my global admin to access this in my test tenant, and would LOVE to be able to publish BING with the correct API key to everyone :P

bwitzig-zen commented 2 weeks ago


For running locally, this will be entered in the env.local (check the env.example file for more info)

For hosting in Azure, check the app service (web app) in azure. There will be an Environment Variable called ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS that you can edit to add your 365 email address to promote you to an admin.

AbasBicep commented 2 weeks ago

@bwitzig-zen Wow this worked wonders.

I am just curious; how did you find this out? I did not have that env variable in my deployment, but after adding it, it worked like a charm.

bwitzig-zen commented 2 weeks ago