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Compatibility Issue with Azure GovCloud #390

Open mathias-koeppel opened 4 weeks ago

mathias-koeppel commented 4 weeks ago

Description: The current implementation of the repository does not work with Azure GovCloud. This is possibly due to hardcoded API endpoints that are specific to the global Azure environment.

Proposed Solution: It would be beneficial to make all API endpoints configurable through environment variables. This change would allow users to specify custom endpoints, making the repository compatible with Azure GovCloud.

Relevant Documentation: Azure Government vs. global Azure

Expected Benefits:

Additional Context: Configuring API endpoints through environment variables will enable users to plug in full URLs specific to their Azure environment, enhancing the repository's flexibility and usability across different governmental and non-governmental setups.

mathias-koeppel commented 3 weeks ago

Additionally is there anyway to select the desired services? Dalle and Vision are not available for US Gov customers. <- This attempts to bridge the gap but ripping out Vision and Dalle are painful.