Open PoojaNamde opened 1 year ago
This issue is external to MySQL extension as it is a common UI of Azure Data Studio.
As per the external bug process we have to log external bugs to MySQL extension. Please reactivate all the bugs and share all the details like VSO, area path details to log an external bug
Logged External bug:
As per the External Bug Process - First Party Dependencies assigning the bug to the Product Owner. Please assign this bug back to the tester once the "External" issue has been resolved and changes are pushed to the environment that will be available for bug verification.
"[Check out Accessibility Insights!] - Identify accessibility bugs before check-in and make bug fixing faster and easier."
GitHub Tags:
A11yMAS; #A11ySev3; #A11yTCS; #DesktopApp; #GH_MySQLextensionforAzureDataStudio_Linux_Mar23; #MySQL extension for Azure Data Studio; #WCAG1.3.1; #Linux; #ScreenReader; #ORCA; Element:Combobox; #External; #External:AzureDataStudio; #FirstParty:22671;
Actual Result:
Expand/Collapse state is not announced when we are expanding the "Select database" combo box using ctrl + downward arrow key.
Expected Result:
Expand/Collapse state should be announced when we are expanding the "Select database" combo box using ctrl + downward arrow key.
Environment Details:
Application Name: MySQL extension for Azure Data Studio Application Version: 1.42.0-insider Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS GNOME Version: 3.36.8 ORCA: 42.2-1ubuntu1 Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.10 Release: 22.10 Codename: kinetic
Repro Steps:
User Impact:
Screen reader users will not be able to know the state of combo box as it is expanded or collapsed.
"Please do not close this bug. This bug should only be closed by TCS, C+AI Accessibility or the Divisional Driver."
Video 3-30 at 18.53.webm