microsoft / azuredatastudio-postgresql

azuredatastudio-postgresql is an extension for Azure Data Studio that enables you to work with PostgreSQL databases
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Table context menu selection "Script as Create" does not include all table relevant settings (at least description comments) #492

Open FrySlim opened 6 months ago

FrySlim commented 6 months ago

I have a feature request:

When I do a "Script as Create" on a Postgres database table (ADS v1.47 with Postgres plugin v0.6.0), following statements are built:

In case a COMMENT was set on an table and/or a column, the following appropriate statements should additionally be built:

Further more (just guessing that its also missing here):

You can check the comment like this in Postgres:

-- check comment on table myschema."MyTable": SELECT obj_description('myschema."MyTable"'::regclass); -- check comment on column "MyColumn" on table myschema."MyTable": SELECT col_description('myschema."MyTable"'::regclass::oid, (SELECT attnum FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = 'myschema."MyTable"'::regclass AND attname = 'MyColumn'));

GennadNY commented 6 months ago

@FrySlim - what PG version are you working with?

FrySlim commented 6 months ago

At least PG 11 and newer.