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No Documentation on How to Connect Visual Studio to DevOps #674

Open EMStokely opened 1 year ago

EMStokely commented 1 year ago

I went through several Microsoft DevOps labs and there is no instructions or help on how to connect the Visual Studio 2022 IDE to DevOps. There is also no info on the relationship of a VisualStudio-GitHub-to-DevOps-Azure versus VisualStudio-to-DevOps-Azure versus VisualStudio-to-Azure directly using publishing tools. The information is convoluted and confusing and leaves customers totally lost as to what the best CI/CD solution is best.

If this helps, here is instructions on how to connect Visual Studio 2022 to a Microsoft DevOps (organization and project) online:

  1. First create a Microsoft Account, login to DevOps at with this account, then create an free DevOps account. You do NOT need an Azure Subscription for this as the Azure Cloud hosting platform is optional. In DevOps create a single organization and project, or use one in an existing DevOps account and repository your business is running.
  2. Open up Visual Studio 2022 and log into the same account as above. This helps the IDE connect to both DevOps and Azure later if you are using all three for the same login accounts.
  3. In Visual Studio 2022, go to "Team" > "Manage Connections" (or the "Team Explorer" tab). Add a connection. In the dialog box it will ask for the URL to your DevOps account URL which should include the path to a Git organization and project. Enter the full website URL to your new DevOps website and project ( in the dialog box. If it asks you to login to DevOps using a different account, you can enter that here. That links your Visual Studio 2022 to DevOps at Azure! If your project has a real respository inside it, you will see it in VS. You can now see the "pipeline builds" and project in DevOps. And you can now use Git as well to pull down a Git clone of the remote DevOps repository project, push Git changes, or pull down Git changes from the remote DevOps repo to your local repo.
surajshenoy commented 8 months ago

Hi @EMStokely - Thank you for providing detailed explanation.

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