microsoft / azuredevopslabs

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getting error in to authenticate firebase project. #680

Open champ96k opened 10 months ago

champ96k commented 10 months ago

I am trying to setup a pipeline that adds the apk to the app distribution in firebase. I have the following yml:

Getting error in Authenticate Firebase CLI using service account key.

YML file

# Step 19: Authenticate Firebase CLI with service account key.
      - script: |
          echo "$FIREBASE_SA_KEY" > serviceAccountKey.json
          export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=$(Agent.TempDirectory)/serviceAccountKey.json
          firebase login --non interactive
        displayName: 'Authenticate Firebase CLI'

      # Step 20: Distribute APKs to Firebase App Distribution.
      - script: |
          firebase appdistribution:distribute $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/*uat-release.apk \
            --app "app_id" \
            --groups "Developers" \
            --release-notes "$(Pipeline.Workspace)/ReleaseNotes/combined_release_notes.txt" \
            --project "project_id"
        displayName: 'Build and Deploy to Firebase'

As i also created issue on stack overflow for better understanding link

### Tasks
champ96k commented 10 months ago

@shad-1 @kant @kant @kant @jakobehn @cmaneu @sneakernuts Do you have any idea ?

surajshenoy commented 8 months ago

Hi @champ96k , this forum is available to discuss the concerns regarding labs that you find in Azuredevopslabs site. Seems like your concern is not related to any of the labs. Please try finding the solution in the relevant forum.