microsoft / azuredevopslabs

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How to pick directory Paths based on Build Agent Name in AzureDevops task #684

Open vivuu1989 opened 1 year ago

vivuu1989 commented 1 year ago

We have a requirement in Azuredevops task to pick the Tasks filesystem path (gradleHome), based on the as we have different kind of agents in the same pool.

I tried, below solution, but didn't work. It's not picking the gradleHome Pathas per the agent picked.

- task: Gradle@2
  displayName: 'Clean Project'
   workingDirectory: 'xxxx'
   gradleWrapperFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/gradlew'
   javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
   jdkVersionOption: '1.11'
   ${{ if startsWith(variables['Agent.Name'], 'mypool1')}}:
     tasks: 'clean <Commands> -Dgradle.user.home=/opt/gradle-8.0.2'
   ${{ if notIn(variables['Agent.Name'], 'azdevops-android-scaledjob')}}:
     tasks: 'clean <Commands> -Dgradle.user.home=/data/gradle'
vivuu1989 commented 1 year ago

Any method to achieve this using AzureDevops pipeline?

surajshenoy commented 1 year ago

Hi @vivuu1989, this forum is available to discuss the concerns regarding Azuredevopslabs site and the content. Seems like your concern is not related to any of the labs. Please try finding the solution in the relevant forum.