microsoft / bedrock

Automation for Production Kubernetes Clusters with a GitOps Workflow
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Spektate dashboard and pipeline scripts should support taking in additional data #1429

Open samiyaakhtar opened 4 years ago

samiyaakhtar commented 4 years ago

As a: developer

I want: to insert additional information to the azure storage table from pipelines

So that: I can capture information crucial to my project which the default bedrock-cli generated pipelines don't capture

Describe the solution you'd like: Currently, our generated pipelines just capture the basic information that Spektate displays. Support needs to be added for the ability to capture additional data, add it to storage in a new column and display that information on Spektate.

Acceptance Criteria: Users are able to modify Spektate to fit their custom needs

Describe alternatives you've considered:

Additional context:

Does this require updates to documentation?: Yes