microsoft / bedrock

Automation for Production Kubernetes Clusters with a GitOps Workflow
MIT License
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Add a "kube_config_file_path" to aks module output #1448

Open howlowck opened 3 years ago

howlowck commented 3 years ago

As a: ... Environment Creator

I want: ... To seamlessly use Helm or Kubernetes Terraform Provider with Bedrock

So that: ... the Environment infrastructure can be completely managed by Terraform

Describe the solution you'd like: Add the file path of the local_file.cluster_credentials resource for the aks module.

Acceptance Criteria:

provider "helm" {
    kubernetes {
        config_path = module.bedrock_aks.kube_config_file_path

Describe alternatives you've considered:

We are currently using the aks data source to get the information from the cluster. It's a less elegant solution because we have to explicitly declare the dependency.

Additional context:

Does this require updates to documentation?: No

I plan to make a PR to implement this feature, if the community thinks this is a good idea.