microsoft / binskim

A binary static analysis tool that provides security and correctness results for Windows Portable Executable and *nix ELF binary formats
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Combability with .NET ReadyToRun and Self-Contained #970

Open shaopeng-gh opened 11 months ago

shaopeng-gh commented 11 months ago

This just is to note that Binskim combability with .NET ReadyToRun and self-contained could be looked into. with p:PublishReadyToRun=true and --self-contained

With PublishReadyToRun the section alignment changed to 200 from 2000. Binskim will fail with PublishReadyToRun while pass without. Not sure if it is a security issue or by design.

image image

full command "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" publish C:\Sources\Repos\aaa\aaa.csproj --configuration Debug --output C:\Sources\Repos\aaa\linux-x64\aaa -r linux-x64 p:PublishReadyToRun=true --self-contained --framework net6.0

[error]7. BinSkim Error BA2021 - File: build/linux-x64/aaa/aaa.dll.

Tool: BinSkim: Rule: BA2021 (DoNotMarkWritableSectionsAsExecutable). 'aaa.dll' has a section alignment (0x200) that is smaller than its page size (0x1000).

shaopeng-gh commented 8 months ago

User report that BinSkim BA2021 could have compatibility issue with R2R Linux binaries

This issue is created to investigate if below check should be removed/revised

// TODO: do we really require this check? What is the proposed fix to this issue? 
if (peHeader.SectionAlignment < PAGE_SIZE)
    // '{0}' has a section alignment ({1}) that is less than its page size ({2}).
        RuleUtilities.BuildResult(FailureLevel.Error, context, null,
            "0x" + peHeader.SectionAlignment.ToString("x"),
            "0x" + PAGE_SIZE.ToString("x")));

To repro, download official C# extension Linux x64 version from image

GrumpyCytokine commented 7 months ago

We also encountered this issue, in binaries compiled for Linux only. Binaries compiled for Windows do not raise error BA2021.

shaopeng-gh commented 7 months ago

Thanks for adding the feedback.