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Skype is not sending the attachment details along with request object in group chats #4652

Open Ragu27ag opened 4 weeks ago

Ragu27ag commented 4 weeks ago

Github issues should be used for bugs and feature requests. Use Stack Overflow for general "how-to" questions.


What package version of the SDK are you using.

Describe the bug

I am working on a skype bot built using bot framework sdk using node.js . The issue is when the user is posting any image in the group chat where bot is part of the group and if the user is attaching the image along with bot mention for eg : <-the image-> @sample_bot , only the bot mention is getting received in the bot backend and the attachment related things are not received in the request object.I need the attachment details for parsing the image

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to skype group chat where bot is part of it
  2. attach an image in the chat box along with bot mention as we are sending this to the bot
  3. check the log after sending this message

Expected behavior

we wont be having any image related details in the request object in the log


Ragu27ag commented 3 weeks ago

Any update on this issue?

Ragu27ag commented 2 weeks ago

@tracyboehrer is there any update on this issue?

tracyboehrer commented 2 weeks ago

@Ragu27ag Concerning "...not received in the request object.I need the attachment details for parsing the image"

I assume you mean the incoming Activity? Can you provide what you are receiving?

Ragu27ag commented 1 week ago

@tracyboehrer If I send the image in a group chat where bot is a participant along with bot mention to specifically send to the bot


I am receiving this in the request body


Here the image related details such as content url is not getting received if i send to the bot from a group.

If image is sent directly to the bot instead of sending image from the group its working fine.


But i need to send image from the group.